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Fake Flying Merkel

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  • Fake Flying Merkel

    This thing is on ebay right now. It looks a bit different than the real deal! Someone spent a lot of time, for what? I guess I would take it over a new whizzer, though. Just where a full-face helmet so your friends don't see you riding it.
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  • #2
    Ya, I've seen those. But if your going to put that much work into it. Why would you use such an ugly engine?

    I'll stick to my 200 dollar special. It does a solid 45mph.... and it scares the pee-pee out me everytime I pick up speed. -- lack of brakes.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AdminGuy
      Ya, I've seen those. But if your going to put that much work into it. Why would you use such an ugly engine?
      That was my first thought too.


      • #4
        Shouldve called it anything but Flying ACE!! Even with lipstick a PIG is a PIG!!!

