This is somewhat belated. *God Speed.
Walter Robert Laidlaw Obituary 2024*(YouTube podcast video). "How I started and built Laidlaw's Harley-Davidson''.
*Below picture is from a story told by Bob Laidlaw, on this YouTube video podcast, on how he purchased this lot of motorcycles from a NY H-D Dealership, owned by Walter A. Kohl.
It's cRaZy how motorcycle stories can be bizarrely related. Check out the Walter A. Kohl story below.
----> A motorcycle graveyard | Old Bike Australasia <----
Walter Robert Laidlaw Obituary 2024*(YouTube podcast video). "How I started and built Laidlaw's Harley-Davidson''.
*Below picture is from a story told by Bob Laidlaw, on this YouTube video podcast, on how he purchased this lot of motorcycles from a NY H-D Dealership, owned by Walter A. Kohl.
It's cRaZy how motorcycle stories can be bizarrely related. Check out the Walter A. Kohl story below.
----> A motorcycle graveyard | Old Bike Australasia <----