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The Panhead Years is Here

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  • The Panhead Years is Here

    Dear All, the five volume, 2200+ page book series is now out. Thanks to AMCA members worldwide I've counted 127 mostly full page colour photos of 90 good bikes, with half in original paint, including at least two for each model year. There is technical and business commentary each year, sales brochures for each year, dealer announcements through 1956 and all 217 Enthusiast magazines published. The covers are attached at so that you can see the format. Thanks to all who contributed.
    Last edited by Steve Slocombe; 11-02-2024, 05:00 AM.

  • #2
    That's a huge achievement Steve, untold amount of hour's put into the book can't wait to get a copy


    • #3
      Fantastic resource for Panhead lovers, Steve and thanks for all the effort you put into your many endeavors. Are the eras you list available individually or must one buy the whole series? I would be most interested in the first to early Hydra-Glide series. I'm famous for overlooking obvious details so helping a 'challenged' Panhead guy would be appreciated.
      Eric Smith
      AMCA #886


      • #4
        Thanks Eric and I'm trying to sell the sets first, just in terms of the postage costs. It costs me about $60 to airmail a single 500 page copy and a parcel company will take the whole set to the US for about $70. If any other of the seventeen 1915-65 Harley books on my Website take your fancy, then it makes sense to combine the order for shipping. I'm trying to find a US distributor who can mail single copies of the Panhead series and hope to have news next week.


        • #5
          Thank You Steve for all you do for our community. I purchased my first Panhead (1948FL) 52 years ago, and it is still my favorite bike. I have been coast to coast on it, several times.
          Your research, writing and photography are impeccable, amazing contribution.
          Thank You.
          Member # 8964


          • #6
            Steve, are you planning a Florida, Daytona vacation in 2025? If so; how many copies can you stuff into a suitcase?
            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #7
              Congratulations, really huge project you have completed!

              I heard you have a registry of Harley WR KR XR going. I have a few you likely do not have on your list. Can send those to you on a PM if you like. Will provide VIN photo, and a little history on them.
              #7558 Take me on and you take on the whole trailer park!


              • #8
                Great news everybody! Steve Barber at the 74 Shop will be distributing The Panhead Years in the USA, and will also be bringing copies to the Florida and Oley Meets next season. Please contact him at or call 845.389.7197 with your orders, so that we can make sure there are enough copies to go round. Thanks for the nice words and please enjoy the books!

