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Oldest HD dealership gone

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  • Oldest HD dealership gone

    I’ve been there in the old days, sad
    Pete Cole AMCA #14441
    1947 Indian Chief

  • #2
    Must have been something catastrophic to close those doors on both dealerships that quick. Gargano & Chester owned & operated both dealerships, the old Dudley Perkins H-D and West Coast H-D in Salinas, California. I wonder if Harley-Davidson had something to do with those closures?

    Just a thought, and i won't mention the particular H-D dealership, or the reason for it's abrupt closure, but when the 'Big Brass' decides to stop operations~~it is usually brutal.



    • #3
      JoJo, I read something on the Motley Fool Financial website after you said you wondered about Harley-Davidson "Big Brass" decision to halt production due to supply concerns (and more).
      I went back through some of Motley Fools announcements, as far back as mid May of '24. You may find your answer there. My 2-cents worth tells me the Gargano & Chester group is the sacrifical lamb in a consolidation move (California businesses are leaving in droves), and the demise of the oldest dealership from San Francisco sends a red flag warning to folks across the country.
      Harley Davidson has been through tough times recently, its really nothing new for them. Remember AMF as an example.
      Klaus Schwab, leader of the WEF (World Economic Forum) has spoken often about "keeping up with the changing times". For more insight into the WEF and their plans for our economic future, read up on it... those world leaders have no mercy on us ground level folks... just a thought, how about a gov't subsidy to prop up the Motor Company's future. The Gov't did that fro the auto industry with several manufactures over the years... why not for the iconic Motorcycle ? just thinking outside the box here... what say you?


      • #4
        for Mike Love... is this comment above getting too close to breaking the rules ?


        • #5
          Your off the path. It had to do with the dealership property (real property value) and company (not Harley) business internal decisions. Not a multi national deep state conspirousy.


          • #6
            No deep state. I think it was just bad management as it appears that soon after the Dudley Perkins family sold things went awry. Loved the old shop where you could ride off the street down into the service department basement. I think it was on Bush street. RIP
            #7558 Take me on and you take on the whole trailer park!


            • #7
              I was there one in 1974 on a long loop trip back from Canada. Treated well even as an unwashed chopper rider! And found a few bits for a knuckle project I was working on. Went to Magri's too on that trip!
              Robbie Knight Amca #2736


              • #8
                Maybe they weren't selling enough E-bikes . . . .
                Rich Inmate #7084


                • #9
                  Originally posted by frichie68 View Post
                  Maybe they weren't selling enough E-bikes . . . .
                  Or too many...

                  Robbie Knight Amca #2736

