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Joe Gardella AMCA #518

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  • Joe Gardella AMCA #518

    In case you did not find out this past week, we lost one of our great members, Joe Gardella of Michigan.
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  • #2
    Joe was one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. Met every year at Wauseon. He was extremely helpful on the restoration of my 1911 HD twin. Visits to his house and workshop were spectacular. For that I will be forever grateful. For the long time forum viewers, who could forget the daily build reports as he prepared for the early Cannonball years ago. R.I.P. Ross Metcalfe National AMCA President


    • #3
      Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.


      • #4
        At the Jefferson meet years ago he thought I was trying to sell a part for too much money. And continued wasting my time, and getting indignant with me pointing out that the part was not worth it. Finally, he left and the pan he was riding would not start. I asked him how much for the pan that wouldn’t start. He took offense to that and walked back up to my table and asked if I was getting smart with him. So, I stood up and told him I wasn’t but believe me I have no problem getting smart with anyone. He walked away in disgust.


        • #5
          First time I met Joe was at Wauseon I had a really nice headlamp for a 1913 Harley for sale and he was riding his but was missing the little knob to hold the door closed. He tried to buy just the knob and of course I wouldn't sell just that and he got very angry and told me to go back where I came from LOL ( I am Canadian ! ) I just let it slide and carefully approached him over the next few years and ended up becoming what I thought were good friends. Sold him a nice ULH and a Hummer. I think what you saw was just part of his complicated character. He was an engineering genius and I will miss talking with him and seeing his amazing workmanship Rest In Peace Joe .


          • #6
            For anyone who may not have seen it, here is link to his build thread on the 1912 Belt Twin. Definitely a very accomplished machinist, innovator, etc, and something folks with these skills don't often do, he spent hours posting photos and details sharing his work on forum. Being new to the old bike scene back then Joe was an inspiration to me. I made a point to meet and talk with him at swap meets and he always had time to talk to this greenhorn. Joe was a guy I wished was my neighbor. RIP Joe.
            Jason Zerbini
            Near Pittsburgh PA (Farm Country)
            Allegheny Mountain Chapter


            • #7
              Well said and thanks for the link, brought back memories

