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Paper shortages cause increase in advertising rates

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  • Paper shortages cause increase in advertising rates

    I just got my new copy of the magazine yesterday and the editorial was on his rant on someone making a copy of his copy of a bobber and selling it at the Mecum auction. Neither one was real so who cares, this club is supposed to be about preserving the history of antique motorcycles, not some peoples' idea of how they were supposedly modified in the past. I consider that article a total waste of space and paper, if I wanted to read about modified motorcycles, I would purchase a chopper magazine. To add fuel to the fire there was an article at the end that consumed 7 pages on Rich Ostrander's model motorcycles, once again I consider that as a waste of space and paper. If I wanted to read about such things instead of real antique motorcycles, I would buy a modeler magazine.
    When they went to 6 issues annually the number of ads went up exponentially, but the content suffered, Paul Holdsworth has done his job well.
    This morning I received notice that advertising rates were increasing because of a paper shortage. David Edwards replaced Bill Wood as the editor when he retired and had some big shoes to step into, but sometimes I feel he does not have the members' best interests in mind. I do not mind paying more for my advertising, but at the same time let's make the magazine relevant to the membership and stay on track to produce a magazine in the best interest of the members interests.
    The members make the club, and the club will not survive without them.
    Carl Olsen

  • #2
    Nice rant Carl but it was only four pages not seven. Glad you enjoyed my work. There are all many corners to the antique motorcycle world maybe you have only looked into a couple of therm. Cheers!


    • #3
      Well, Carl,...

      You made me take it out of the wrapper dammit, Thanks!

      I've nothing against tangential articles, as long as there is some real content.
      T'ain't much, huh.

      I guess that's why I pay attention to this forum instead.


      AMCA #776
      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


      • #4
        I'm with Carl on this.I used to wait for the next issue.Now I don't open the package until days or weeks later,as Cotton mentioned.I think it went downhill with the start of the foundation & all the BS that came with it..


        • #5
          The primary reason i pay dues is to be on this forum. Generally speaking, I skim the ads throughout the magazine for references and contacts and that's about it. Once in awhile there's an interesting article i enjoy. Rarely do i learn anything that's actually useful in my my shop. What the people who have their columns every issue write about isn't relevant for me, and is mostly drivel. Overall, the magazine is good filler for the literature rack at the dentist's or doctor's office.
          Steve Swan

          27JD 11090 Restored

          27JD 13514 aka "Frank"


          • #6
            In all fairness, Folks,...

            I open the mag immediately when there's a Herbert Wagner article!

            PS: Reading material was outlawed in Illinois medical offices, Steve, and still missing, even though the Great Panic is over.
            Last edited by T. Cotten; 05-02-2023, 05:50 PM.
            AMCA #776
            Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


            • #7
              I haven't been on this for years. I just picked up a 38 sidecar married tub and frame to restore and was looking for reference manuals.

              Was surfing around and seen this.

              I open the mag to look at the for sale column. If that even matters.
              AMCA #765


              • #8
                If I recall correctly, when the membership was surveyed several years ago, the majority of the members surveyed indicated the AMCA magazine was the most important benefit of membership. Personally, I enjoy the variety of the articles that have appeared in the magazines over the years when Bill Wood was editor and now David Edwards. I guess it depends on one’s perspective if the magazine is a benefit or the articles relevant.
                Richard Spagnolli
                AMCA #6153


                • #9
                  The magazine is a fantastic benefit for all members, and particularly the remotely located, and people with mobility limitations. There is always something of interest in every issue, and things I'm not interested in but that is something I expect in any & every publication I read. Not to wag my finger, but the editors are always looking for articles, and new content and AMCA members are welcome to contribute.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by exeric View Post
                    The magazine is a fantastic benefit for all members, and particularly the remotely located, and people with mobility limitations. There is always something of interest in every issue, and things I'm not interested in but that is something I expect in any & every publication I read. Not to wag my finger, but the editors are always looking for articles, and new content and AMCA members are welcome to contribute.
                    Well said Eric.
                    AMCA #765


                    • #11
                      I have been reading "The Antique Motor Cycle" since I joined the AMCA in 1978 at a rally on a farm in Ohio. I have always enjoyed receiving the magazine and have also enjoyed seeing its development and progress over the years. Occasionally, I was able to find a few earlier issues in volumes 1 to 4 to add to the collection. Now with all the earlier issues scanned and on-line on the AMCA web site I can, when tired of "messing about in the workshop" grab a coffee and sit down and read those "words of wisdom" from some of the early AMCA members.
                      To-day's issues are much larger and more detailed, (Vol. 1 No. 1 was just typewritten14 pages long and Lou Lichva was both the AMCA Secretary and Editor for that first magazine.)and are truly professional in their content, coverage and quality.


                      • #12
                        For many years I paid two full memberships, one for me and one for my wife. Consequently I received two magazines. I have about 20 years worth still unread and in their wrappers. I no longer do as we have both slowed down considerably with our involvement. I enjoy the magazine because I like all things motorcycle but find some articles a bit weak.
                        Last edited by Rubone; 05-04-2023, 11:26 AM.
                        Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by exeric View Post
                          The magazine is a fantastic benefit for all members, and particularly the remotely located, and people with mobility limitations. There is always something of interest in every issue, and things I'm not interested in but that is something I expect in any & every publication I read. Not to wag my finger, but the editors are always looking for articles, and new content and AMCA members are welcome to contribute.
                          I agree with you in principal, Eric!

                          But how can the mag be more beneficial to the remotely located, etc., than what we have here at our fingertips, any time we 'need' it?

                          The mag should continue to be the Club's showcase, and it certainly doesn't need any "make-over" for those who appreciate something tangible.

                          It only needs content; Any commercial rag would be hitting up the advertisers first.

                          AMCA #776
                          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                          • #14
                            I enjoy the magazine. I don't always get to it when it arrives but I do eventually and it is a good to have on rainy or snowy days.
                            I like the AMCA archives and spend a bit of time in there looking at digital copies of the passed issues and I find this valuable.
                            I started making an "index" for myself of the Tech Issues in the passed issues as I am "tech challenged" and am trying to improve in this area.
                            I quite like the current Nuts and Bolts editor Ted Borman. I like the way he goes about his craft and I admire that he is NOT afraid to start (again another personal deficits).
                            I appreciate anyone who is knowledgeable AND approachable.

                            One deficiency I have found with the AMCA magazine archives is there are no issues for 2007. Curious; I have not been around long enough to know if in fact were no issues in 2007 or if the 2007 issues were simply not archived.

                            So many print motorcycle related magazines have come and gone I am glad the AMCA magazine is still standing.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
                              But how can the mag be more beneficial to the remotely located, etc., than what we have here at our fingertips, any time we 'need' it?....Cotten
                              I think it's just the fun of getting something in the mail, Tom. Like my Mom used to say when my Dad's Playboy magazine came; "You got your 'Boy's Life' today.
                              Eric Smith
                              AMCA #886

