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Membership Support

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  • Membership Support

    Hey AdminGuy-
    I've been enjoying the online AMCA forum for sometime now and never seen the subject of membership dues discussed. There must be some cost involved in keeping this organization running smoothly. Anyway I'd like some information on becoming a supporting member of this organization. How do I go about it?

    Thanks for any help you can give me. -Steve

  • #2
    just keep in mind that along with your membership there is a good probability that your quarterly magazine will be late .or it may not show up at all as it has with me for the past 6 months


    • #3
      Information on becoming an AMCA member is elsewhere on this web site. And you can join on-line I believe. $30/year and you get the quarterly magazine. the eb site costs are paid for from the subscription money.


      I can understand your frustration at not seeing your paid-for magazine turning up on time and having to Email for a replacement.

      My experience has been that only twice in just over 30 years of AMCA membership have I had to ask for a replacement copy to be sent to me. If you have not seen two magazines in a row, I would lodge a complaint with your local post office, since the most likely situation is that it is being consistently "misdirected" , "borrowed" by someone in the system who wants to read about old motorcycles, or "lost" by someone with an animus towards motorcycles.



      • #4
        Hey AFJ -
        Thanks for the come back. I've looked everywhere I could think of on this web site before starting this thread and also just looked again but can't find the area to enroll. Where are all the Administrators when your trying to spend some money.


        • #5
          "I found the application form." Did a goggle search and there it was. Guess I should have started there before starting this thread. -Steve


          • #6

            Yep, it's under "the Club" section.


            See you at an AMCA Meet or Run



            • #7
              Steve, not to be too nosey, but how old are you? There has been a lot of sniveling lately about attracting young people to join this club. If you are young, what set the old motorcycle hook for you ?


              • #8
                Reel him in Eric !!

                This organization is worth more than the dues fee IMO. I too have had a magazine either arrive late, or a couple of times, not at all. Once I contacted the proper folks, I received my issue. My hat is off to the folks who orchestrate the club.

                P.S. that is no bull about the mail readers ! One issue I received had been opened and it obviously had been browsed through. Serveral of the pages had the corners bent over for reference points ! Paps


                • #9
                  In 10 years this is the first time my magazine was late. I was about 10 days behind my friends. The only part about this that peeves me a little is the fact that I am 10 days behind seeing the classified ads. The rest of the mag is great reading but is not time sensitive like the ads are. I know it is logistically impossible to get everyone their mag on the same day but maybe the classifieds could be posted on this site the day before the first batch of mags goes out. That way everyone would have an equal chance at the ads and then it wouldn't matter if the mag itself gets here this week or next. Just an idea to even things up a bit. Thanks for the chance to spout off.


                  • #10
                    That seems fair to me considering that I have missed out on a needed part that was offered in the classified ad's due to the mag being late.


                    • #11
                      Exeric- I guess I could be called young at 52yrs of age. I’ve been riding since the age of 15 . Since that age I’ve had my share of sportsters and a few super-glides but never had the time or disposable income it requires to build and maintain an older cycle properly.

                      I guess the hook was set very early in my life around the age of 6 when my uncle put me on the back of his knuckle head and told me to hold on to his belt. So there I was on this buddy seat with legs swinging in the wind cause I couldn’t reach the pegs and he took off like a bat out of hell. He had me screaming like a little girl but I loved it.

                      My reason for joining the AMCA now is rather simple. I believe if I’m going to do something I like to do it right the first time and this forum has been invaluable in helping me do that with my 56. So giving a little back to help keep this forum alive seems like a good way to do that for me. Besides that where could I get this much help for $30.00. Heck it cost me that much for the clips under my buddy seat for the aux-spring. I’m looking forward to meeting a few of you guys in person. -Steve


                      • #12
                        Welcome aboard Steve. You can see my mug on page 16 of the winter 2006 issue. If your ever headed west -we just may meet at one of the west coast meets.

