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  • magazine

    Does anyone know who to contact if your quarterly AMCA magazine doesn't arrive? And yes, I paid my dues!! Thanks.

  • #2
    Don't no who to contact but i like to no why the farmers mart here in New Jersey has the magazine before i get my magazine and they are for sale for $2.80 and im paying $6.99 to get it sent to my house.


    • #3
      No mag yet here in GA either, was hoping to get it by Thanksgiving to have something to read while the turkey is cooking..............


      • #4
        In Ohio I received my mag Monday. That was two days ago.....????


        • #5
          No magazine

          Nothing in Michigan either. I had to ask Wanda Winger for copies of 2 out of the past 4 issues because they never came at all.

          When she mailed the replacement issues, they were delivered in 2 days. No problem.

          Been beat to death before, but with the funds our group has
          "in the bank", there is no reason we can't have first class
          mailing for the members magazine.

          Especially if it is now appearing at commercial book/magazine sellers BEFORE it arrives at the homes of those who pay the freight for the AMCA .... the membership.

          "From Old Rust - Don't no who to contact but i like to no why the farmers mart here in New Jersey has the magazine before i get my magazine and they are for sale for $2.80 and im paying $6.99 to get it sent to my house."

          $2.80 for the general public to buy the AMCA magazine and $6.99 for the AMCA membership???


          • #6
   fellas aren't going to like this, but I've had mine for over a week up here in the Canadian Rockies.......... I hope you guys get yours before your turkeys are done


            • #7
              Re: magazine

              Originally posted by jwl
              Does anyone know who to contact if your quarterly AMCA magazine doesn't arrive? And yes, I paid my dues!! Thanks.


              for damaged/non delivery of mag.


              • #8
                Got mine the other day. As usual...great mag !! Paps


                • #9
                  i have not received one single magazine in 6 months ,therefore i will not be renewing here. the only good i see in the club are you guys in here with your limitless knowledge about old bikes , but i have to refuse to keep feeding the coffers of this club.this is to bad cause the one magazine i did get was awesome.


                  • #10
                    It would be almost impossible for everyone to recieve the magazine on the same day throughout it's distribution worldwide...and no I'm not involved with its mailing or making. Yes it bothers me too when I look forward to the classified section to maybe pick up a deal from a member and it's already been sold because of the early bird gets the worm theory! It just happened to me, LOL The cost is nominal and insures your membership for display and judging in meets. This club is quite a bit larger then when I joined in the mid-eighties, 3-4 times as large. Hopefully those that have mailing problems and havn't recieved them, it gets resolved quickly. The info often inside would be missed if not gotten. My 2 cents...Keep ridin um, Merlin in Pa.


                    • #11
                      Too Bad

                      "i have NOT received ONE single magazine in 6 months, therefore i will not be renewing here. the only good i see in the club are you guys in here with your limitless knowledge about old bikes , but i have to refuse to keep feeding the coffers of this club . By Chiefrider"
                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                      Chiefrider, we have only recieved two of the past four issues. Thankfully, Wanda Winger sent us replacements.

                      After working with the Postal Service for many years, we know that "on time" delivery is NOT magic or "impossible." The answer is First Class mailing. F irst Class mail goes out the day it arrives at the local Post Office and typically travels across the country in 5 days or less. And if it is NOT delivered, for any reason, it is RETURNED to AMCA, so they would know who didn't receive a copy. Simple.

                      Bulk mail/magazines go out when there is room AFTER First and Priority Class is delivered. Bulk magazines, drug store flyers and sales brochures, telephone books, etc, sit until the carriers have "room" at each stop along the way to your home. And Bulk is not returned to sender when not delivered.

                      At Davenport, (the Big One), this year, AMCA Officials waiting for their closed meeting, were happy to tell us the night before, about the many hundreds of thousands in cash they had in the bank. And they explained how they were able to easily afford to buy a very expensive antique motorcycle, with just a fraction of OUR excess AMCA funds. They told us they "had" to "spend it on something?"

                      There is no better investment, in our opinion, than modern, prompt, delivery service, of the AMCA members magazine. Having members see the new issue of "their" magazine for sale, on newstands, or at book stores, while their non-delivered copy lingers in the Bulk delivery system, is truly sad.

                      First Class mailing would solve many of the problems.


                      • #12
                        To answer the original question, the latest issue (which I got last week) says to contact Pat Williams for Non-delivery/damaged magazines.
                        (909) 260-2026 or email

                        I subscribe to several magazines and none of them come first class. I get all of them before the newstands. Buzz Walneck said he holds up his newstand copies until a couple of weeks after the subscription issues are mailed which is what I think most publishers do.
                        If your not happy with the direction the club is taking, send in your renewal notice with a letter instead of a check. Remember though, if only a half dozen people complain while a few thousand don't, you won't see much change. Personally, I don't mind the club acquiring a few motorcycles. I belong to the AMA and they bought a whole office/museum complex. I think it's great.


                        • #13
                          The Antique Motorcycle

                          You guys are complaining because you weren't able to read the mag while you knawed on a turkey leg ??? I just got my magazine today !!! (Saturday December 2nd). I won't get mad and tear it up though.....I like it too much.
                          Happy Holidays to everyone out there. Merry Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year.


                          • #14
                            I got mine a week ago.
                            If we could get the board to vote on First class mail I am sure it would pass since almost every time an item comes to a vote it is 15-0 in favor. Very interesting. .....................
                            How many of you read this part of the club magazine???????


                            • #15

                              Knuck -

                              You are right, those pages are very interesting .... and over $500,000 in cash, in the bank.

                              Magazine arrived today, 12/5/06, in Michigan.

