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HELP!! Lost NJHMCS Website Info

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  • HELP!! Lost NJHMCS Website Info

    YIKES.....Some of you guys may remember that I started a free website called the New Jersey Historic Motorcycle Society or NJHMCS for short, a couple years ago.

    I just got off the phone with my Web Hosting company and they notified me that they can't retrieve my files. I lost everything and will have to re-create the website from scratch. Since the Hosting company only keeps the files on hand for 30 days after a payment due reminder notification...(I don't remember that e'mail)...well you get the picture or rather you won't.

    This is my own fault for not checking that my auto payments went thru. Because I hadn't worked on the site in awhile....too occupied with our move to our current home and all the crap that keeps you busy for a few months after.

    Anyway I just "ASSumed" everything was OK......OOPS!!!

    So if anyone's been trying to get thru to the site...well you can't. Not until I rebuild it..from scratch. This will take me some time.

    Thie brings me to my main point....if anone should have happened to have saved any of the pages from my website for any reason. I would appreciate you letting me know.

    I have all the photos and memorabilia in my files, but I do not have any of the textl That's what I really need to find.

    Most importantly I'm trying to find the 'Intro Page'. That was my most inspired writing piece I've done. Yeah I know you most likely skipped over it to get to the photos, but for me its the most important. For a pea brain like mine, inspiration is seldom encountered and believe me its going to be a miracle to re-create!

    Also, if there's any computer wiz's out there that could tell me how I might be able to retrieve this info off my computer I',d really appreciate it.

    Except for a couple files that I did save for whatever reason, none of them have the text I'm searching for.

    Does this info exist somehwere in my computer that is not obvious to me?? Is it retrievable?? Is there a specific way to find it??

    ANY HELP would be appreciated....Thanks in advance...


  • #2
    The "Way Back Machine" at has a number of cached pages for . Maybe what you're looking for is on there ... Perry


    • #3
      Thanks Perry, I'll look. Hrdly


      • #4
        THANKS!!!!!!! Perry....Just what I was looking for!! It has all my lost text. I'll be able to even reproduce the type setting and colors like the original. Can't believe how cool the internet is! THANKS AGAIN!!!

        Hey Perry...let me send you a NJHMCS T-shirt...Whats your size and where can I send it. Thanks... Hrdly


        • #5

          I went back and signed up for another Website account. This time I went with Go Daddy's latest unlimited pages account. It was about the same amount as my old Go Daddy 20 Page Website so I figure, what the hell...more space for less.

          Well, unfortunately that new account doesn't offer the same type Web page template as my old account. OK, so I figure I'll just try a different template/layout....Yeah right...Forget about it.....Couldn't get the damned thing to work right. Of course its me and not the site, but after several attempts at just trying to set the heading type I gave up. Not going to happen on this end.

          So now, I cancelled the initial 1 month fee...only 12.99 and of course its non-refundeable. But that's ok, no big deal. I still have my Domain Name (NJHMCS) with them.

          At this point I'm going to sign up for their 10 Page Web site. That's the way I originally did it. (I later added another 10 pages to it.) I THINK that one may offer the original style template I'm looking for. I like my original layout and I was able to modify it to my liking fairly well for my dumbass. Especially since I was able to get most of my original wording/typeset back when I logged onto that 'Way Back Machine' site that Perry mentioned. For $8.99 per month I'll sign up and see what happens.

          Meanwhile, no NJHMCS website just yet. I'll let you know how it goes in a couple days.

          If it doesn't pan out, I'll be open for suggestions on any other Web hosting sites.


