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Another great up coming auction by VanDerBrink:

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  • Another great up coming auction by VanDerBrink:

    "We are back for More! Round #2 of the KC Collection Auction. Amazing collection of Vintage Motorcycles, Memorabilia, and Thousands of vintage motorcycle parts. Live and Online for Cataloged items and Onsite ONLY for the thousands of vintage Harley Davidson Motorcycle parts! Many of the parts are from the MF Egan Vintage Motorcycle Collection and more! See you there! If you can't come, bid online, but you won't want to miss this auction.
    Preview Friday March 25th, 2022 10-6pm"


  • #2
    Too much room for abuse with this policy for me.

    PLEASE READ: This auction company has requested and been granted access to see all bids placed including any maximum pre-bids. This auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder.


    • #3
      How do you spell S-H-I-F-T-Y ?
      Rich Inmate #7084


      • #4
        Interesting Thanks for pointing that out.


        • #5
          Why would that matter? nothing sells until sale day?


          • #6
            If a person pre-bid 2500. for a part that he just had to have. And the day of the sale the part was only getting to the 1200 mark, someone with knowledge of what the highest bid was might push the bid up to 2500.


            • #7
              I guess I can see both sides of this, and I have probably been on the side of paying more than the "market" more often than I care to remember.
              The old saying is "It" (Whatever IT is): "It is only worth what someone is willing to pay"
              If I pre-bid $2500.00 for a part made of unobtainium then that is my "top" but if I get it for $2500 yeah I'm good with that. That is what It was worth to me.
              Would I like it for less? Sure but the auctioneer is not working for me he is working for the seller. I guess it all comes down to resources.


              • #8
                It only gets unethical if there are shill bidders there just to drive up the price. Nothing wrong with the auctioneer working the crowd a little harder.
                AMCA #41287
                2020 Heritage Classic 114
                1989 Springer Softail project
                1972 FX Boattail Night Train
                1972 Sportster project
                1971 Sprint SS350 project
                1982 FXR - AMCA 99.25 point restoration
                1979 FXS 1200 never done playing
                1998 Dyna Convertible - 100% Original
                96" Evo Softail self built chopper
                2012 103" Road King "per diem"
                plus 13 other bikes over the years...


                • #9
                  So you're saying the Auction company would purposely over bid a max bid, thereby ending the sale and taking a chance of remaining the owner of the part because the auction company miraculously was able to read your mind and could see how bad you wanted the part, and THAT is what drives the price????

