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  • Uk8

    left out headed north into the peak and lake districts ofEngland, again trying to stay on the smallest roads and town we could find. Crossed into Scotland, which we had to cut short due to the delays and cold wet weather ,that us Maui boys arent acusstom. But we came across the small village of Glenluce,and after taking all the kids for rides ,their fathers started in wanting us to try their favorite Scotches,as many as 5 at a time lined up in front of us. Luckely some one had sense enough to take our keys and lock down the bikes and the celebration was on -one more time. we snuck out of town early the next morning and crossed in to Northern Ireland and headed to the west coast down thru into Ireland. BEAUTIFUL IRELAND Its really amazing to be topping a hill to find a castle ,in all conditions from full to just a partial tower,right in front of you, down into the southern coast area to a village BALLANSPITTAL. we heard that one of the pubs is frequented by antique bikes ,but on arriving it was closed so across the street for a pint, then a unmistakeable put put of older bikes , 5 wizzed by but i didnt get a real good look, then that sound again. this time im out the door and jumped on my bike and took off, trying to figure out which direction they had luck i caught up with them in Kinsale ,and found out they had come from a meet just a few miles away and some had put on up to 600 miles on bikes as old as 1913 Rex, and 20's and 30's BSA's ,Triumphs , Ariels,and the likes . It was sort of disappointing their attitude ,which i found out from the pub owner when i returned to my friend back in Ballanspittal is they think of them selves as "elites" even after making my intros and afilliate with this club. I hope they were just burned out from a long week end of antiques,or just didnt like me ,i"m not the shy type! and i damn sure hope we dont have that in the AMCA.any way after a couple of pints we were just about to leave when i spied a guitar ,and being a show off i wanted to play one country song before i left, having seen signs for a couple of country music festivals in the previous few days, this was a 2:30pm well at 4am we pushed the bikes into the pub to lock them up,agin the whole town it seems came out of the woodwork and we were in the beergarden each taking turns starting a song ,or 4yr olds and 80yr old girls up and dancing IRISH jigs talk about heart felt.........mean while our friend from Jersey ,whos frien John we had gone to see had challenged ,the KIWIS that no one can out drink an Irish man ........bad call ,we were draging him into his house ,after the pub owner drove home,by his legs ,with his wife and daughter screaming at him ,and him still saying you can never out drink an Irishman...but it turned out she was just mad because she missed all the we again snuck out of town real real early the next morning. from there we meyandered back to our repack and sending the bikes back to Maui .....but you know its almost spring time in NEW ZELAND we ride.... gray