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National Membership Card Photos??

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  • National Membership Card Photos??

    This was probably already covered in an earlier Thread...

    but could we just have photographs of motorcycles on the Membership card or better yet just the old style club logo with the winged motor.

    Again this week somebody asked me who the people were on the front of the card...."I don't know" was my reply followed by another question.... "then why are you carrying a picture of them on your card?"......"I don't know!"........

    So.....why am I carrying a pair of strangers picture on my card in my wallet??......Hrdly

  • #2
    Good question. I can understand having a picture of people on the ads to recruit new members but why on the cards? It's no big deal, but how about just a picture of an old motorcycle or the club logo?



    • #3
      I think it would be good to have some type of contest or drawing to have a motorcycle on the membership card. How about a drawing, then to enter you have to show your bike at a national meet and at the end of the season you pull the winner out of a hat. You could limit the entry to just first place bikes or winner circle bikes or..........
      I think we should have a reason to put a photo on a club card with over 10,000 members. What an honor it would be.


      • #4
        Card Photos:- Hey, I'm with ya on this one. Was gonna submit my opinion when I first recieved my card but held off
        'like maybe give it a break". Yeah, who are those people? Why not just display accurate restored machines? Even on the cover of the magazine also. Whats that 48 panhead a few issues back doing on the front cover of an AMC issue with a chromed up front spring leg? I had a 48 pan when a kid years back, hardly any chrome on it anywhere but the rocker covers and aircleaner., least of all, the springer fork legs. Maybe we auto check out the girlie bike calendars for more accurate bikes, be interesting leastwise!!!


        • #5
          I too think you guys are on to something here ,only one problem I dont want to be carring a photo of some Jap bike in my wallet for a whole year !!!!! I see enough of them on the front cover of the Mag !!!!!!!


          • #6
            I'd say the organization logo alone is adaquate enough. Paps


            • #7
              A barnfresh bike with the logo


              • #8
                Chuck a barn fresh bike with the logo Sounds good


                • #9

                  I knew I could count on you for a vote on this........anybody else


                  • #10
                    I would still like to see a member bike on the card that participates in the EVENTS, even if not the show. Could be an action shot of field event or a swap meet photo of vintage bike for sale that is very original, and lots of rust. More of the motorcycle less of the people in the photo.


                    • #11
                      How about we go the other way, and put a bike on that wins something like the wolverton award from the previous year?


                      • #12
               old original paint bike, you can see plenty of new paint bikes around!


                        • #13
                          How about we put Louie's mug on the card. Really though I would rather see an original rider than a factory pic or restored bike.


                          • #14
                            Original paint you say

                            The old Indian that is on the calender found in the shed wrapped in oily burlap sacks could be a starting point


                            • #15
                              how about as a tribute to Doc Patt the Torque Four ????

