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    this trip just keeps on chugalin. went to the pub for lively conversation around 4pm, food is very specific in the UK 7-9:30 breakfast, 12-2:30 lunch & 6:30 up for dinner, not the constant grazing we Americans are use to, so at 7pm we have a t-bone and Lobster dinner with wine and Port afterward for @$35. food is the only thing that seems cheap here! then back to the pub .but that was getting old for 2 of us... we had heard of a local character named Morris from SCOTLAND who had a shed that any tinkerer would be proud of, so after a few false starts we end up at 10pm there. the old cout was still awake and met us with a bottle of scotch at the door for some stimulating conversation before taking on us on a very narrow path tour thru his beloved garage[shed]. home made lathes, drill presses ,band saws,and numerous unfinished projects ranging from a 1925 ARROL JOHNSON automobile to wood turning projects,& home made time pieces of all sort. the shed was piled high, like all good sheds should be, Morris is 75, and sex is still his favorite subject, behind marine engines with multi piston per cylinder engines,up to 3, so i learned tonight,even some where the cylinders moved. GOD i love this place instead of motorhead or grease monkey we are called engineers!!!!! aint life grand.... finely a 2am after a few polkas on the button acordian and liter of scotch and way to many belly laughs to count, i crossed the donkey run to the house where my snoring friend are trying to keep the ghost who are said to live at the old stone site out back awake. by the way the tides in the bay down below us are a phenomrnal 38 ft. today we watched as life gaurd rescued a 6yr old from the decinding rip tides, 2 great blokes who work here for the summar,their winter, and just loved their short adventures in the states.. another tip miss as many big towns and tourist spots as possible... also when the money is cheap, there are loads of yanks but in cheap $ times we are few and far between, well worth the extra as far as this dumb old country boy is concearned. well off to THE HOLY FIELDS OF FRANCE at 11am and its close to 3am now-9am central. we can always sleep on the ferry gray