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foul sparkplug info

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  • foul sparkplug info

    The following is from the "tips" section of a current issue of a bike magazine I like to read. This is the second time I have seen this in a bike mag ,the first being several tears ago.

    To clear a fouled plug simply pull the sparkplug wire off and hold it near the plug while the motor is running. The larger gap increases the voltage and will burn the plug clean from whatever was fouling it.

    I think this is ridiculous. But ,as I have stated many times on this forum "I'm just a dumb old hillbilly"
    Can one of you former NASA employees please explain to me how this is possible.

  • #2
    I am electronically challenged and cannot explain it, but it often does work (as long as your plugwires don't leak and give you a heart attack).

    Obviously, it will not cure the cause of the fouling, however.



    • #3
      One drawback to the technique is that if the electricity can't get through the spark plug wire, it will find another way, typically through the cap if so equipped. This causes tracking and can eventually cause the spark to track through the place it has found instead of going through the wire to the plug. That is why it is a big no-no to spin a magneto through without the plug wire grounded somehow.


      • #4
        I tried that trick about 40 years ago,,,, got knocked flat on my booty & never tried it again !


        • #5
          I was having trouble with the 68T100R a few years back on a road run. Right side fouling. Head gasket leak I think it was. Implimenting this trick on the road while running every 10min or so -got me 60 miles and back to the hotel.
          Much thanks to my buddie Scott Nelson. Hummmm...

          Destroys plug or turns it resistive I think.

