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Weston ammeter face

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  • Weston ammeter face

    I am looking for some help to identify which years of weston ammeter had which face.
    I have two faces with the HD logo that have the same needle support.
    I have one without the HD logo and a different needle support.
    Can anybody tell me which is correct for a 29 JD?

  • #2
    The 30 amp one will be for a car. Early 1930s cars are a good source of Weston ammeters, and Remy horns, and explain many AMCA members at Hershey in recent years. The 30 amp ones can have the repro Harley face put on but are often not recalibrated, and read low so boiling your battery when you crank up the generator output.


    • #3
      Thanks Steve, I am looking for needles for them, but i am led to believe there is different needles for different years.


      • #4
        The needle will have changed for the 1934/5 white faced ammeter but I'm not into that detail for the bar and shield ammeter needles. I know there are small differences in the shape of the air damping section, but ignore these for judging. My last couple of restorations used that Eastern European bar and shield ammeter which is not terribly close to original, but never took more than a quarter point hit from the judges. Finding needles and getting them fitted will likely cost more than a complete repro ammeter, but we all like original...

