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Everglades road run

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  • Everglades road run

    The Everglades chapter of the AMCA held a road run this past weekend. We met in Winter Haven and rode to fish camps, old phosphate mines and our final destination of Bok Towers. Bok Towers is a fascinating structure, built by a wealthy publisher in the 20's and 30's. It's in a beautiful part of Florida on the highest point on the pennisula.

    The Everglades chapter is an active chapter that plans many road runs. Everyone I have met in this chapter is a great motorcycle enthusiast and enjoyable to be with. They have all made my wife and I feel welcome and comfortable, and the rides take us to parts of Florida we haven't seen.

    I just want to thank Roy Wasson for all of the work he devotes to this chapter and the atmosphere of congeniality and fun he infuses into the road runs. The Everglades chapter is the definition of a successful chapter and one the AMCA should be proud to have in it's fold.

  • #2
    that sounded like a good run eric, but it would have been much to hot for me to attend even the winter months here are sometimes to hot to ride. Why can't we all get together and trailer the bikes to NC and ride up there, it is much nicer seanery, not flat and boring like florida. I am sorry but i dont find any of the roads here very interesting, there mostly straight with just car lots or motels to look at, but NC has great roads with lots of curves, mountains, rivers beautyfull trees and lots of other bikers, it also reminds me of the isle of man. Cheers Roland.


    • #3
      You know, I thought the same thing before the run. July seems like a terrible time to plan a motorcycle run in Florida, but I was surprised that it was really not bad. I'm not saying it was cool and refreshing but it wasn't hot and miserable either. When you were moving it was actually pleasant, when you were stopped for any length of time it could get a bit toasty. I've lived in Florida most all of my life and I have some of your conceptions of motorcycle touring in Florida, however, I am always amazed at some of the beautiful places one can find here and scenery that is not typical of the new Florida that yankees have created. There still are places that mid-western developers have not raped yet and places that harken back to old Florida. You owe it to yourself, as a resident, to find some of these place just so you can tell your grandchildren that you saw natural Florida before they put condos all over it.


      • #4
        Please be easy on us Yankees remember there is a Chapter names after us
        My family has been in the Gulfport area since 1943,we havent changed a thing but many things have changed!


        • #5
          My gripe is with developers. the majority of visitor from the north are nice people who just want to escape the cold winters. My problem is, I hate change and don't trust anything new which is why my newest motorcycle is a '51 pan. When I was a teenage I always wondered what made old people so cranky. . . . Now I know.

