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Effect of eBay on AMCA swap meets

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  • Effect of eBay on AMCA swap meets

    I've attended many AMCA National meet swap meets over the last 6+ years and was always pleased to find that I could usually get whatever I needed for an antique H-D at a very reasonable price. While we have all heard the typical grousing about the impending effect of the Internet on prices, for the most part I could see only a minor effect.

    However, I just got back from the Wauseon meet and for the first time I noticed that which I would term "The eBay effect" was very evident. In many cases, while looking at a particular part and trying to reach a deal with the seller, I was told "That is the least I'll take - I can get that on eBay". Even before the swap meet opened, in that customary period where the vendors buy and sell among themselves (as at any swap meet of any type in any part of the country), some of the vendors were buying up any deal they could find with the purpose of selling the part on the Internet. Most of those buying do not even set up a booth to sell, they only come to buy.

    I believe I can speak for most of us who believe in free enterprise and do understand that the market in any item will find its own level, but this is a trend that I find deeply disturbing. No longer are you competing with fellow antique bike lovers attending on that day, but you are competing with someone sitting at a computer, perhaps not even in the USA, at some future date that the part hits the Internet!

    Where in the past it was possible to buy enough parts at an AMCA swap meet to completely build an antique H-D motorcycle at a decent price, that is no longer the case.

    So what's the point? Two points, actually:

    1> If I end up having to pay eBay prices to buy parts at an AMCA meet, why would I want to attend the meet? And how can I justify the vacation time, travel costs and lodging? Let's see, three days vacation, $180 for motel, $100 for eats and drinks, and $310 for gas - divide that cost among the parts!

    2> Speaking from past history, to a time in the early eighties when the cost of the major parts exceeded the value of the machine as a whole, it is to the point that "marginal" machines (complete but not 100% correct) have more value apart than together! Don't believe me? Price a complete springer, knuckle motor with a clear title, frame, trans and sheetmetal as individual units on the Internet, add in the odds and ends, then look at what that machine would sell for all together! And there are people out there doing this right now!

    So where does that put the hobby? There will always be the camaderie aspect of the meets where good friends get together to browse, eat and imbibe - in fact, that is what holds it all together. But as more and more people become jaded and tune in to the Internet, our meets may become "virtual meets".

    Any thoughts from others?


  • #2
    I logged on to ask for reports on how the Wauseon meet went?

    I agree with you on the fact that a lot of sellers are buying up parts to sell on Ebay, but there are still a lot that will not sell on the Internet, maybe these will keep our swap meets alive.

    I just returned from a trip where I visited a few collectors that do not buy or sell on the net, but deal only with others like themselves. I think this is the best way to buy and sell our antique machines. Of course this leaves out the new members and investors, but the way to meet and know these people is to go to our swap meets in person!

    Another point is that I watch just about all the pre 1930 bikes on Ebay and most do not meet reserve prices and don't sell. Why is that? How about $10K for an early Harley cylinder, $50K for a teens Harley motor, or $130K for an OHV 45" Harley? Outrages prices from what I call the Barrett Jackson effect. One Hemi Cuda sells for $300K, so ALL Cuda's must be worth $300K.

    Anyway, for me it's the seeing of old friends, riding each others old bikes, picking up a spare part or two, and the atmosphere of the meets.

    See you at the meets.



    • #3
      I was hoping you'd make it to Wauseon this year. I would have enjoyed seeing you.
      The meet was great. There were several empty spaces along the back row and attendance seemed to be down slightly, but most vendors I talked with did well. The weather was great both Friday and Saturday, with a few showers coming through Friday night.
      The four chapters that sponsored the event did an excellent job and should feel very proud. Thanks to the efforts of Rocky Halter and all the others, I will be back next year.


      • #4
        I agree with all that was said so far. I would add this though.... You can't touch and feel a part listed on Ebay. Pictures and descriptions are shaded many times also. Ebay is a gamble. The swapmeets are a certainty. Wauseon was great !! I will return ! Paps


        • #5
          Was planning on going but my bride and I took a ride up to Canada for the Motor Maids convention and now know why Canadains like to come South......damn it was expensive up there!Hope to make Davenport and for sure will be at the Barber Vintage party.



          • #6
            The "EBAY effect" is also here out west. Everyone I know would prefer to purchase at the swap meet.
            It is just that when you really need that part, it can be found in days or weeks, not months or years. Too bad that some spoil the EBAY virtual meet and want to rip you off.
            Just remember that old line, If it is too good to be true, it probably isn't.


            • #7
              Points well taken,I would hope for the most part the statement " I can get that price on E-Bay" is just a vendors tool to not lose the deal! I to am guilty of E-Bay buying and why not,no expense to go to a meet especialy with todays high cost of getting there if I pay a little more online Ive actually saved alot ! But here is the thing to me that is most important about going to the meets I GET TO NETWORK !! Also the last few years of going to Wasseon, Davenport and other meets its been for fun and a social event for me and if lucky enough to land a few parts that I really dont need or need all the better!
              Are prices higher because of E-Bay per'se or is it because we all have more disposable income and are willing to give up more than the next guy ?? I myself have payed stupid money for an item I may need later,but now fast forward 10,15 20 years and the stupid money Ive payed for NOS parts seems like a a great deal ! Ive never wanted a 100% bike just a correct one with as many oem parts as possible,and for that Im willing to pay and use ALL the resourses I can to achieve the point.
              Example,1978ish Davenport was a small meet by todays standards I found and didnt buy a original Indian Dealers Clock,price if I remember rite 1500. I didnt pay it but now have seen the same clock go on ebay for double the money!!!I guess you just have to justify what you can and buy it or dont and maybe cry later !
              I know this probably didnt help you but it helps me Good Luck in finding all the parts you need @ the rite price !


              • #8
                Ebay vs Swap Meets

                My experience is "Thank God for EBay'!.
                I live in a part of Australia where swap meets almost always have nothing remotely connected to Indian, and generally turn out to be plant and cheap Chinese tools, 70s magazines, later Jap and HD bike parts, etc waste of time. (For what I'm in to.)
                I have very limited ability to get away from my job with the Military, so my on line purchases from EBay have given me many great opportunities to buy items I would never see, let alone find in 2000kms of my home.
                Yep, I've been thieved from via overseas sellers, ripped off, and payed far too much (my fault, not the sellers).
                And yep, I buy lots (85%) of my items from the US. (Sorry Lonnie, it may surprise you to know that US based buyers also buy from other parts of the world!)
                I loved the times I spent at the Ballarat and Bendigo Swap meets in Oz (Biggest in Australia) having a ball with the tactile nature of being able to touch the items, looking at people, and social side of things, and can only dream of going to Davenport etc, but the net suits my situation, and I can't see it changing.
                Prices get expensive in general, but where else am I going to find what I want? It's now an expensive hobby.

                Best wishes all.



                • #9
                  So Baytown from what youve said next year this time when Im in NewZealand I WONT be finding any great Indian parts Stash !!!???? I guess Ill just have to drink beer !


                  • #10
                    I have to say that I doubt anything, even Ebay, can kill our need to get together & handle each others parts. What a minute, that sure didn't come out right.
                    Also, if it weren't for Ebay I would never have been able to collect the correct parts for my EL. Every lunch hour for years I was searching. I've even gotten a NOS fuel valve from down under!
                    I prefer going to swap meets, but my bike would not be any where near accurate without the Ebay resource.
                    The vendors I've talked to at Wauseon this year feel that selling MC parts on Ebay has peaked & they have seen a big decline in buying. Some have quit selling on it as a result. I myself tried to sell a few choice parts at a fair price recently, but got no bids even after relisting.
                    Enjoy what's left of summer, happy trails. Bob


                    • #11
                      Ebay has helped many collectors and restorers complete their bikes by providing a venue where they could find wanted parts. Before ebay you had to wait months at a time to attend a meet with the associated costs or wait for a newsletter or magazine classified section to come out with ads already months old, then mail the owner inquiring about availability. Ebay offers Instant Gratification. Too many fleamarket vendors are getting greedy also. About 10 years ago I built my 40 Sport Scout from parts from AMCA and other fleamarkets, could I afford to do it now? With the high cost of gas, food and lodging it makes one think twice about traveling to a meet where most of the deals are snapped up before the meet opens, too bad if you have to work and arrive late. I for one enjoy the meets I attend, to socialize with friends and I also enjoy buying, selling or just viewing the offerings on ebay. Speaking of AMCA meets another thing I miss is you used to be able to view nicely restored bikes all thru the meet and compare parts as you shopped the vendors. Now all the restored bikes are hidden away only to appear Sunday at judging as everyone is leaving.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by INLINE4NUT
                        So Baytown from what youve said next year this time when Im in NewZealand I WONT be finding any great Indian parts Stash !!!???? I guess Ill just have to drink beer !
                        G'day Inline.
                        UnZud has a great vintage bike scene hence I'm sure you'll find something of interest, and is a darn site easier to get around in a short period of time than Oz.
                        Have a great trip mate, it's a beautiful country (shame about the accent!)

                        Best wishes.

                        P. S The exchange rate will add approx 40% on your purchasing power in New Zealand as well!


                        • #13
                          ebay vs swap meets vs riding

                          I use Ebay to find the difficult stuff. If you want to find parts for a panhead, the swap meets are still good. But try to find something from pre WWII that isn't HD or Indian!

                          As for the fun of seeing all my bike friends, I still do that! We go RIDE OUR OLD BIKES. It is much more fun than sitting around a field dicussing how much money things are worth.



                          • #14
                            My two cents ... eBay's great!

                            Swap meets are great too. It's impossible to socialize with people, smell exhaust fumes, learn what others are doing by sitting at a 'puter all day.

                            Suggestion ... buy eBay stock! It ain't goin' away.


                            • #15
                              Actual costs to attend vs. use of computer

                              Lonnie certainly "hit the nail on the head" with this thread.

                              We just made reservations for Davenport and the actual costs were -

                              1) One roundtrip ticket on NW Airlines to Quad Cities (outside Davenport) - $277.00
                              (With gas prices it was a "wash" between driving our van or flying on a discount ticket!!!)
                              2) Two nights lodging - $160.00
                              3) Food - $150.00
                              4) Rental Car - $144.00

                              Total - $731+

                              And if you add in the loss of three days work, (either burning three days vacation time or going without pay), the cost easily rises past $1000.00. And that cost is just to "be there." It does not include any purchases.

                              So Lonnies math is "right on" in the "real world." Yes, we could save money if we sleep in a back packed pup tent, eat sparingly, clean up in the public toilets at Davenport and take a taxi/bus - one way from the airport - to the site and stay there.

                              In planning and paying for our trip to Davenport this year, one of the dramatic changes from the past three, was the price increase of gasoline, especially when you drive a full size van, getting 16 mph. Current gasoline costs vs. a 2 hour non-stop discounted flight, at the same cost as gas alone, makes you consider flying. 20+ hours roundtrip on the road driving, fighting the construction, wear and tear on your vehicle, etc, plus having to pay $3 a gallon is a real consideration now.

                              So the choice is yours. Spend $800 - $1,000 to get to and enjoy an event or spend it on an Ebay purchase and stay home.

