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James Cornell Fund - Isle of Man injury

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  • James Cornell Fund - Isle of Man injury

    On behalf of Stephan Kokinda, VP of the SFMC
    > ------------------
    > Dear Friends,
    > Last May, at the Isle of Man TT race, our friend and brother James
    > Cornell, member of the San Francisco Motorcycle Club (SFMC), Santa Cruz
    > Vampires, and manager at Helimot European accessories in San Jose,
    > California was badly injured in an accident during a practice lap.
    > You may remember the SFMC. We were the guys and gals in blue unloading,
    > loading and pushing bikes on and off the field at the Legend of the
    > Motorcycle Concours.
    > James and his driver Doug Dano were following the Isle of Man course when
    > they came over May Hill at high speed to find another sidecar stalled
    > directly in their path. They attempted to swerve around the stopped car so
    > as not to hit the other racers, and they skidded into a brick wall. Both
    > suffered severe injuries.
    > Thankfully, Doug is now back with us and on the mend. James, however,
    > suffered serious head injuries remains in a coma to this day. He is still
    > at the Isle of Man hospital.
    > We want to bring him home, to be close to his friends and family, where we
    > can help care for him and work on bringing him out of his coma. He is now
    > showing positive signs but it looks like we will have a long road to
    > recovery. Nobles hospital has excellent trauma care, but they are not
    > equipped to provide the kind of care James now needs. This is a critical
    > time in his recovery. He needs to come home.
    > Our immediate need is to raise $50,000 for a medically-assisted flight to
    > bring our brother home to San Francisco General hospital. Any donations
    > exceeding that amount will be used to pay bills and medical expenses as
    > needed.
    > These last six weeks have been an agony for all of us. James Cornell has
    > been an icon of the motorcycle and scooter communities for many years, and
    > to have him suffering so far from home is nearly unbearable. He has always
    > been the type of guy you call at 3AM when your bike quits in Bakersfield,
    > and he's there before dawn. He deserves our help now.
    > Please help in any way you can. Donations can be sent via Paypal to
    > , or send checks to:
    > San Francisco Motorcycle Club
    > 2194 Folsom
    > San Francisco 94110
    > Att: James Cornell Fund
    > Keep James in your thoughts and prayers. Updates are at:
    > Sincerely,
    > Stephan Kokinda
    > Vice President SFMC, SSSC-SF, BPOE Lodge#3
    > E-mail replies to:

  • #2
    i.o.m. tt

    I was very sorry to here about your buddy who was hurt at the I.O.M TT races so i made a donation, not a great amount but any helps i guess. I used to attend the TT races every year when i lived in england and know what a dangerous circuit it is and also what a great circuit it is. I have great respect for any rider who rides there, they are one of a kind and all of them ride there because they love the challange of the road circuits and the island is certainly a challange. I hope you can get your buddy back and hope that he gets better.
    Yours sincerly Roland.

