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AMCA Member Ken Askey

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  • AMCA Member Ken Askey

    Any of the AMCA members that read the article in the July 06 issue of the AMA magazine there is a letter from Ken about the movie the fastest Indian and the inspiration that can follow.
    Ken Askey of New York he had turned 80 years in April,also has ridden 60 accident free years on 2 and 3 wheels in 10 different countries!

    Ken states that he is in his 3rd bout with prostrate cancer and on July 2nd and 3rd he is going to attempt a COMBINED 1000 mile in a day and 1,500 miles in 36 hours Iron Butt ride he says that if he does infact complete the ride and it is
    confirmed,then he will be reconized as the oldest person to complete one of these events.

    I for one hope that Ken completes his 1,000 and 1,500 events safely is confirmed in the events and then goes on to knock the big "C" out for good once and for all.

    Ride safely Ken I'll be thinking of you on the 2nd and 3rd

  • #2
    Godspeed Ken !


    • #3
      Not knowing you Ken still demands my deep admiration. Ditto on the God Speed !! Paps


      • #4
        He Did It

        Just an update on Ken's Iron Butt ride

        He did complete it and after wating for some "red Tape" he has been rightfully awarded BOTH 24 hour and 36 hour runs

        Although it was done aboard a Honda Goldwing with Hannigan sidecar rig I personally think for a person his age it is quite an accomplishment!!


        • #5
          Congradulations Ken !! Paps


          • #6
            Wow..... Way to go Ken. My goodness, 80 yrs young and completing the iron-butt. You are an inspiration to all us 50 somethings. -Steve


            • #7
              Ken you are truly an inspiration to all of us "youngsters"


              • #8
                I hope to meet you some day & shake your hand Ken.
                congratulations, Bob

