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  • Farmington

    I heard an ugly rumor this weekend while at the Farmington MN meet. Are they really going to move to the Minnesota State Fairgrounds and if so why? It seems to me and just about everyone I talked to that the fairgrounds in Farmington is the perfect setting for an antique meet. If it is moved to the State Fairgrounds in the middle of the Twin Cities I don't think I'll be as apt to attend the meet.

  • #2
    As you well know, I'm most conspicous for my absence at the Farmington meets. But if it means negotiating the super highways of the Twin Cities
    to get there, you'll never see me at a Viking National meet again!


    • #3
      That seems to be the same feelings for most of the vendors at Farmington. It was apparent amoung most that I talked with that they didn't like the change eather. Even tho it will be an hour closer for me, I doubt that I will go next year. I had planned on riding an older bike there but not with these changes. One of the members said I could use a "back road" to get to the state fair grounds but I know what the neighborhoods and roads are like so that's not hap'nen. One reason I guess is that there is a huge antique car show at the state fair gounds the same weekend as their swap meet (Back to the 50's). It is felt that they can get more public to come if they change the weekend and the location. What good is it to have more public if there are no vendors/members?? They had a nice (small) quality meet this year again........why change??? Is it politics or what??


      • #4
        I heard several reasons for the change, unhappy with maintanance and preparation of the current facility, increased rates, ambulance service, etc. It was all so much spin. The fairgrounds chairman said he was willing to address any concerns and would love to keep us coming. The actual cost to rent the state fair grounds is much higher. Bottom line seems to be the same old story, new chapter president with his own agenda, more profit and growth. Some bs about a large take at the gate at the state grounds because of its location in the city. The need to be the best, or make the most money at chapter events has no place here. I appreciate the effort it takes to hold the reins on a chapter (especially a group like the Viking members) but member input does matter. I spoke with at least 100 people, Viking members, vendors, visiting AMCA members and locals, and only a couple thought the change was acceptable. Only one vendor I spoke with was willing to return next year. A small town environment with easy access is much more conducive to our activity than the madness of a huge metro. The good people of Farmington have been wonderfull hosts for many yrs (I have never missed one) and I think we should continue that relationship. Kyle Oanes #3046


        • #5

          I pretty much agree with all of the above thoughts from other people, but I also feel that we need to support what every the hosting chapter wants to do. I hope there is a lot of thought put into this before the time and place is set in rock. I also heard mostly negative response about moving. I personally will give it another try, no matter the location. I would prefer to see it stay at Farmington if posssible.
          I have never done real well vending at this meet, but I have enjoyed it more then most others.
          Jim Rowin
          Omaha, Ne.


          • #6
            Twin Cities => Spaghetti Junction => Lost my 8th life there barely missing fallen ladder in middle of 70 mph rush hour freeway traffic.


            • #7
              About Farmington, nice meet this year but I am sorry to note that several regular vendors and attendees were absent. Gas prices to blame??? I also think the move to St. Paul may not be wise but am willing to give it a chance. I'm sure there will be both positives and negatives at the new site. I truly believe that the decision makers in the Viking Chapter have our best interests at heart and are trying to make things better. The Viking Chapter is the largest chapter by number of members but if it mirrors most other organizations only a handful of members do the bulk of the work and attend the meetings. I understand this was a board decision but I am sure the other members had their chance to have a say in the decision too. If they chose not to make their feelings known by attending meetings and staying involved some of the weight is on their shoulders too. I guess the point I am trying to make here is STAY INVOLVED!! It is always easy to sit on the sidelines and cast stones after the fact when what we really should be doing is all pulling together. I know if this new location bombs out the people that made the decision will never hear the end of it. If it proves to be a wise move though lets remember them and thank them for taking the chance. Remember, it is important to all pull together and help. Wasting energy complaining after the fact does no good. Let's all hope for the best and try to have a good time wherever the meet is held.


              • #8
                JWL on target!

                Being a board member for another org. the United Sidecar Association and also holding other positions in the club I can relate to what you have said here and also can understand the membership's concerns.
                there are good points and bad to anything,main thing is all members need to get involved to some point to help in the work involved for these types of meets.
                I am sure that new "blood" is always appreciated to minimise the work involved.


                • #9
                  I also attended the meet this year and was sad to hear about the move. What I heard was that the meet runs every other year with the big car show [back to the 50's] at the state fair grounds. true it might bring in more people but the venders are what really make the show! Now they will have to pay more for a spot and I don't beleave their sales will improve. I love the small town of Farmington. Nice town and really friendly to the people who attend the show.O and next year it will be a week early [on fathers day].


                  • #10
                    I don't think the AMCA meet will ever be on the same date as the Back to the 50's car show. It will always be the week before.I think the car show is always the 25th weekend of the year and the bike meet will be the 24th weekend every year. That's what a Viking Chapter member told me anyway.


                    • #11
                      At the risk of being labeled a complainer again, I would like to address a couple of my objections to the change. First and foremost is the change of attitude you often find in the city, lots of cranky, impatient, unpleasant people. I have always found the good people of Farmington to be easygoing and relaxed, the local police even looking the other way when an old machine rode buy without a light working or even a current plate. They made us feel welcome. Secondly, the traffic situation is radically different. I lived in the Minn-St. Paul area for many yrs and driving there is, even in a modern car with great brakes, very challenging. How many of the ride ins will show up for a suicide run to the state fairgrounds. Crazed drivers with the stereo blasting and a cell phone stuck halfway in their ear changing lanes at 80mph. Perish the thought, but the potential for an accident is very real when riding a machine with limited braking aqbility. I think this is a bad move, with very questionable motivation for the change. Any Viking members with an opinion out there?


                      • #12
                        I can't agree more with you Koanes. Don't get me wrong, I wish the Viking chapter all the luck in the world with there decision but I see clouds on there horison. I would like to support them but based on the infomation I have now, I don't see me going next year (different weekend and location). I have been to the state fair grounds on seveal occations and it has been a madhouse just to get there. You are right about the towns wonderfull attitude and it would be a great loss to us all. The Viking chapter have a year to get there "ducks in a row" but I really hope they know what they are doing. Good luck!


                        • #13
                          Like I stated in my prvious post, I don't think the move is wise either. However, the decision has been made and I urge everyone to give it a chance. I have been having a great time at Farmington for many years and I hope the fun can continue wherever the meet is held. City traffic is really a pain, especially for a country boy like me but I won't let it spoil the enjoyment that I can have at a meet with my friends. I end up driving through Chicago on my way to Oley and Wauseon and while I don't enjoy it I put up with it. The same may be true for the trip to the State fairgrounds. KOANES, please don't think that I was labelling you or anyone else a complainer. That certainly was not my intent. The point I was trying to make is that the decision has been made and agreements are in place. I think it is too late to do anything about the new location for next year. Let's all try to make it work so the meet can continue. If it doesn't work out at the new location let's put together an organized effort to move it again to a more favorable location.(Like Farmington.) In the meantime let's not burn any bridges with the powers that be so they may be more receptive to our input later. If we start infighting now before we give it a chance it will only hurt us all in the long run. Things like this often have a way of working themselves out and I certainly hope that is the case this time. Ride safe and enjoy the rest of the summer. John L. #8855


                          • #14
                            The squeeky wheel.......... Don't give up on a good thing guys! Down with the state fair grounds.
                            JKE #2926


                            • #15
                              JKE, You may have the right idea. I sure hope things work out. Your post reminded me of what my granddad once told me when I said to him, The squeaky wheel gets the grease. He replied, Sometimes it gets the grease, othertimes it just continues to squeak until its nuts fall off then we replace it. I know this won't happen here but you just rekindled a fond memory of "Ol' Bill" for me. THANKS!!!

