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New OSHA Chrome Plating Restrictions

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  • New OSHA Chrome Plating Restrictions

    OSHA has announced new restrictions on exposure limits for chrome fumes, which could adversely affect chrome platers. The restrictions take effect May 30. But, these are being challenged in a lawsuit by Public Citizen (founded by Joan Claybrook, Jimmy Carter's head of NHTSA)as not being stringent enough. Bottom line for restorers--don't dilly dally about getting your chrome plating work done. Do it now. It will certainly become more expensive in the future and may become unavailable in the U.S.

  • #2
    I doubt that it will become unavailable in the US, but you never know. Where did you hear about this?.



    • #3
      i KINDABELIEVE THIS POST (not being available in U.S.) only because it is a VERY harmful process,but on the other hand money rules so I think more than likely you willbe able to get it donebut at a greater cost! Remember the old saying.....CHROME dont get you home!


      • #4
        The Plating shop I use tells me that they are grandfathered on new restrictions.


        • #5
          This was in Product Finishing Magazine, which people, such as myself, in the metal finishing industry receive. I think you can access it on line at At this point, no one knows how severe this could be. But I posted it as an advisory so that those of us (myself included) working on long term restorations can see the urgency of getting chrome plating done sooner rather than later.

