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  • new member post

    Hello I am new here and would just like to say a few words to every one. I am glad I found this club it seems really interesting and infromative and I loved the club magazine, it is full of great features and articles and has a lot of contacts so I can continue with my restorations over here, I wish it was monthly though. I feel a bit isolated here in florida there does not seem to be that many gatherings for vintage or classic motorcycles, thats one thing I miss about england there was always lots of gatherings and meetings for the vintage motorcycle enthusiast, why is there so few here in florida.? I have a 1936 350cc excelsior manxman that I bourght over from england, I would guess that not many people over here have heard of this make, theres only 3 or 4 that I know of over here. They made them in 250, 350 and 500cc there single cylinder over head cam engines with four speed burman gear box. I would love to hear from anyone who has one or knows about them, also is it possible to post any pictures on this forum so I could let you all see it.? Bye for now Roland.

  • #2
    G'day Roland.
    Welcome to the best club of its type in the world mate. The knowledge base here is amazine.
    Sorry to hear about the Pommy bikes!

    Best wishes from Australia.

    (Indian Fan)


    • #3

      Welcome. I think you will find that there are a couple of AMCA chapters in Florida that do have meets. Maybe not as many as in England. Here in Oklahoma there are absolutely no vintage motorcycle events. Most folks here think a 1986 Harley is a vintage bike. Its all relative I guess. Maybe one day when I have time and the kids are in college I will start an Oklahoma Chapter.



      • #4
        Welcome Roland, I'm from New York State, we contact local car clubs and local motorcycle shops to look for motorcycle activities outside of our few chapter events. Many car clubs have a motorcycle class at their shows (not the same as an amca meet)
        but it gets your bike out in the public eye. Many local bike shop
        have show and swap meet info posted. Hope this helps. My grandfather was from Somerset. He said that much motorcycle activity was at the local level, lots of runs and trials and boot sales. Nancy


        • #5
          new member

          Thanks to all you folks for replying to my post. I have been to some of the car shows here in florida and there are alot of them even at local level and some do have bikes in them, I guess I should get my bike out there in there shows like you say. I was thinking of starting my own chapter here in Brooksville but I am not sure of how many other enthusiast's there are around here, I guess I will just have to put out a few add's in the local bike shop's and see what turns up. Well thanks again and you will see a lot of me in this forum I really like posting in these sites, You get to talk with so many friendly people that share your own interests.


          • #6
            Roland, Florida has a lot of motorcycle activity but it's hard to search out. Just north of you in Webster, Florida is a swap meet that is held on the 1st Sunday of every month, including the summer, if you can stand it. Of coarse, we Americans are a bit dim when it comes to the more obscure British motorcycles but I think anyone who truely loves motorcycles can appreciate what you have. I joined the Everglades chapter even though I live in Sarasota. They have members here on the west coast and even a Brit with a cherry 1938 Triumph.

            I am originally from Orlando and I know many motorcycle nuts there. My best friend there is a Londoner who is wild about American iron and has collected up quite a pile from the Orlando area. I miss my network of friends in Orlando but I know that I will eventually meet people here on the west coast that love old motorcycles and joining one of Florida's AMCA chapters is a good start.


            • #7
              new member

              Hi Eric. I did go to that swap meet in webster a few years ago and it seemed quite good but I never managed to get back there again, I was thinking the other day if it was still going. I might join the sunshine chapter up in Eustis that is not too far from me, I guess I could give them a call and see what sort of turnout they have at there meets. Do you go to many meets with the everglades chapter? that would be quite a drive even for you in sarasota. As I said in my previous post I might even start up a chapter here in brooksville and if you joined that would make two of us! and as for you finding new friends who love old motorcycles you just found one me. Cheers for now Roland.


              • #8
                gear box

                heck I put down that my manxman had a 4 speed burman gear box when I meant to say albion gear box, I don't know why I said burman.


                • #9
         got the best of both vintage worlds in your neck of the woods. Many a vintage bike person resides in your state. Bruce Palmer don't live too far from you either although he focuses on HD models. My point is..... these folks will direct you to the folks who have greater knowledge on your type of bike. Paps


                  • #10
                    The Eustis meet, while one of the smaller ones I go to still has a lot to offer. I would think with all that great weather ( minus the hurricanes of course) FLA would be a hot bed for antique bikes!!!


                    • #11
                      reply to paquette

                      Hi Paquette.
                      Yes you would think that there would be a lot of antique motorcycles here in florida, but I really don't see much evidence of it. There is a lot of crusiers and sport's bikes though, which is ok I like any type of bike I just wish I could find more antique bikes. Funny think is I start a new job on tuesday (03/21/06) at TRIK DADDYS custom bike builders, here in brooksville as the parts guy. I have never worked in a bike shop before so should be interesting, I always wanted to work with bikes when I left school but there was never much money in it, this job is not paying much either but I am not in such a great need for lots of money now and it is better than sitting at home watching judge judy all day long I guess and I may meet other antique motorcycle owners in there.
                      Cheers for now Roland.


                      • #12
                        Good Luck with your new job,Im sure youll have fun!And as time goes by I am sure youll find many Antique MCs afficiandos like yourself !


                        • #13
                          Roland! Just read your other post so now you can ignore my posting about the Owl's head Manxman! Did you make it up to Daytona for the vintage races? I guarantee you'd have a crowd of knowlegeable enthusiasts around the Manxman there. I am in Ontario and we of course have a lot of English bikes but it's the same problem all over North America compared with the UK. DISTANCES! I would guess the two "hotbeds" of English bike activity in the US would be New England and California. There are lots of great Vincents , Broughs, Triumphs etc. With a great climate and Daytona and the Barbour Museum in your "back yard" you have no reason to complain as we may have lots of bikes up here in the great white north but it's still too damn cold to ride! Enjoy! Cheers, Barry


                          • #14
                            Roland--Try to get in touch with folks from the Sunshine Chapter that put on the Eustis meet. You can get the contact info from the magizine or this website. I think they put on one heck of a meet and must have monthly meetings, etc. At least it is a start---------


                            • #15
                              my bike.

                              Hi again Barry.
                              No I did not make it to Daytona, I was out of work at the time and could not really afford the trip but next year I will make it , I would love to show the bike there and see all the other bikes and I would like to watch the vintage racing, which I used to do in england, I raced a 1938 500cc triumph speed twin for a couple of years, with a little succes a few 3 and 4 places and came 6th in club championship one year. I will get in touch with the Eustis chapter as soon as I can. Of course Barry it's not very nice riding in the cold of north america I guess but you should try it here in florida in the summer, it is too hot to ride, I like to ride with leathers and crash helmet for protection and here in the summer I would just come home soaking wet with sweat and that is not very nice iether.
                              Cheers dor now Roland.

