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    So here I sit. Trying my best to find out how to deal with cosmoline on the flathead thread and get bleeped because I'm refering to the sticky little things that might come out of your nose. Give me a break!!!> Even my 31 year old son knows we call these things B******S! Gummy cosmo....Nose things....Seee the relationship? GIVE ME A F***IN** break! Clear your nose! Enough with the trying to keep things 3rd grade rated. I mean really! Was that for real?

  • #2
    Please give Paul a break--some folks think some things are offensive that others think are funny. I think ******s are in the program to be deleted. See there I told you so!!! Paul has enough stuff ( see I could have said ****) to deal with pettiness. Let' s get off the duff and give him thanks for a thankless job!!!!


    • #3
      Oh my god

      Here I sit basking in my glory and my wife (educated lady that she is) tells me !!!Boog**s is different than Bugg**s. She tells me the things I was talking about were of the Boog type but I refered to the bugg type OK paqu. I truly am sorry for being a jerk and attacking Paul. But really I have a problem and they want to censor the slightest little thing even when most of us don't know the difference between a boog and a bugg. Thnks Chris


      • #4
        I agree with Paquette.........I'm sure Paul has enough to deal with. Besides it's kind of fun ad-libbing. Inline4nut is great at it!!! Pay attention to his posts and you just might find yourself laughing off your chair!!!!


        • #5
          I think this is pretty ****in funny when you get ****ed for saying ****in crazy ****in **** like **** and ******s and all that other ****in ****. I sure like this ****in forum. ;-)



          • #6
            YA, It's for real, deal with it and be creative.... or just have fun with it like the rest of the guys. hehehehehe.... a couple goodies laid down.

            The way I try to communicate thoughts and/or ideas via online -and the way I communicate face to face in the parking lot over a few beers with riding buddies are two completely different things. Busted bloody knuckes, and fustration with humans in certain situations usually produce alot explatives from myself. As a few guys who know and have ridden with me can verify. A time, and a place...

            It's not me personally - it's for the benefit of everyone in this club.

            Hope to see y'all on the road one day. Ride safe.


            • #7
              Ya, I agree with Odd....I think....


