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Powerplus Era Leather Tool Box

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  • Powerplus Era Leather Tool Box

    G'day folks.
    Does anyone know of a leather smith who can reproduce the leather tool box that mounts on either side of the Indian Powerplus luggage carrier, or on the end of the carrier?
    I know you can get them, as I've seen them on restorations.
    Thanks for any info re this, and best wishes from Oz.


  • #2
    Hey Baytown,

    There's a leather toolbox on ebay right now......item#6606282437 if you want to check it out..........


    • #3
      Originally posted by c.o.
      Hey Baytown,

      There's a leather toolbox on ebay right now......item#6606282437 if you want to check it out..........
      Timing is everything!
      Thanks C.O, that's exactly what I was after. Let the bidding begin!
      Best wishes mate.



      • #4
        We both are lucky to have C.O. around !!! He has a GREAT EYE for things on E-Bay! has helped me out with a few items,nice going Bud!


        • #5
          Anytime Fellas...........


          • #6
            $364 US.
            If I bid on it for that sort of money, my wife would have killed me. They don't seem to understand that it's not an item you can go down to the local bike shop and purchase!
            Oh well, back to the orriginal question, any one know of a leather shop that could produce something like the original tool bag?

            Best wishes from Oz everyone.



            • #7
              Baytown--I can probably make something that is pretty close to the original. All I would have to go by are the eBay auction pictures. Send me an e-mail and we can discuss it.


              • #8
                Sorry to hear the price went so high Baytown....... Sometimes you get a deal on e-bay but a lot of the time items go a little out of reach for the average Joe. There's been a lot of stuff that I've let go just because it's exxxxxpensive! But I guess that's the auction business. With any luck Paquette can build you one. Good Luck!


                • #9
                  Yes eBay seems to be out of control on prices. Do any of you folks have one of these tool boxes and can give me some dimentions and maybe some clearer pictures?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Paquette
                    Yes eBay seems to be out of control on prices. Do any of you folks have one of these tool boxes and can give me some dimentions and maybe some clearer pictures?
                    Thanks for the offer to work on this item.
                    I've sent you a personal message to your home e-mail address.
                    I'll also send some other photos of the toolboxes that I've collected from the net over the last few years, and hopefully it will be of help.
                    I've seen these items mounted in line with the luggage carrier (mounted inside a tin box for support, on each side of the carrier, and also mounted at the end of the carrier.

                    I'm open to either style, dependant on what you suggest.
                    Thanks again, and best wishes from Oz.



                    • #11
                      Ken--I have not received the e-mail. Try sending it to There is no doubt that I can make it, and I have the Indian stamp, I just need some pics and measurements. If anyone else would like one of these let me know.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Paquette
                        Ken--I have not received the e-mail. Try sending it to
                        Thanks for that.
                        I couldn't send to your private e-mail address for some reason as I'm at work, and their server didn't like the address.
                        I've sent it to myself at home, so I'll forward off to you tonight when I get home.

                        Thanks again, as I'm quite excited re this project. There's something special about quality leather work.

                        Best wishes.



                        • #13
                          I sent off a group of photos last night, but they came back (I didn't use the Wormcastle address, but will this afternoon (in 12 hours time) when I get home.
                          Sorry for the delay, as logistics when I'm on this shift make things difficult. (It was my birthday last night as well, and my wife would have had a sence of humor failure if I sat on the computer!)

                          Best wishes mate.



                          • #14
                            Ken--Your wife should have bought you the toolbox for your birthday!!!! LOL--Like I said, no problem to make it I just need some measurements and detail Pics---


                            • #15
                              I sent three e-mails off to the Jester address with photos.
                              Hopefully they come through ok.
                              Talk soon.


