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parking fees

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  • parking fees

    I just want to get an opinion here. Does anyone have a pro or con opinion on the parking fee situation at many of our meets. Does our club arrange this or do these people come with the venue. Just wondering.

  • #2
    All the meets I attended were donational parking fees. I donated. It wasn't mandatory though I don't know about all the other anual meets where I didn't attend. Paps


    • #3
      I have never been charged for parking at any of the AMCA meets I have attended, which I think is most unusual. I would gladly pay say $2.00 if it helps a local chapter-----


      • #4
        I believe the donations were for the local chapter as I recall. I think it is a good idea also. Many of the meets are on county fairgrounds too. I am sure the counties could use a little cash for grounds care also. Paps


        • #5
          at hebron we generally just ask for donations on the way in and most give between a buck to 5 bucks.


          • #6
            I'm planning on going to Oley an i'm wondering how much i should budget for graft.
            Down at Eustis i was forced to pay five dollars just to get in the parking lot, i had already paid my dues, why do i have to pay to go to a meet


            • #7
              Ive never had to pay anywhere Ive gone (as far as meets) But I guess if it helps the Chapter then its ok,Then on the other hand why should I pay to get into a place that Im going to spend large sums of money! What a dalema!


              • #8
                down at Eustis as far as i could tell the people blocking the road an demanding money were not associated with the club in any way.they had a sign for some local charity, i have charities that i support,
                if a person is blocking the road an demanding you grease him with a fiver its not hardly a free will donation
                i would like some input on this?
                i don't mind supporting a local chapter or the club
                thank you


                • #9
                  It would be informative to hear from someone knowledgable regarding the Eustis entry fee. The Shriners Motorcycle Group has been there for several years. They seem to have become more demanding over the years, whereas i seem to remember they used to ask for a donation. I am a Shriner, and maybe its in the agreement with the fairgrounds, but they portray a manditory fee is required to enter. Guess you could make an issue.....but who wants to enter a great meet after a confrontation about parking.
                  Noticed they blocked off the other entrances with their vehicles this year to insure getting paid. Interesting... johnny


                  • #10
                    maybe youdont have to say a word....just raise your hands!!! (you know what I mean ) I am also a Shriner and a little sorry to hear a brother would be so demanding!


                    • #11
                      I didn't really mind the $5 charge at Eustis however Oley is a much better show and the last I was there they only asked for a Dollar and I usually give them $5.

                      The biggest problem at Eustis was getting in the parking lot it was a royal Cluster F***!, not to mention someone could have been run over sitting out in the road.


                      • #12
                        Have to agree ...

                        "Ive never had to pay anywhere Ive gone (as far as meets) But I guess if it helps the Chapter then its ok,Then on the other hand why should I pay to get into a place that Im going to spend large sums of money! What a dalema! INLINE4NUT"

                        Have to agree completely with INLINE4NUT. Without the classic bikes we bring to antique bike shows, sometimes traveling long distances, towing the bikes a thousand miles round trip, there would be no event.

                        Then, to be charged $5 - $8 kind of stinks. Have a large jar for donations, to the local charity, at the exhibitor registration table.

                        We would probably give freely anyway, without feeling "held up."


                        • #13
                          Hi All:
                          The parking fees that are charged go to support the local chapter.
                          The money spent by you at swap meets goes directly to the vendors and is not shared in any way with the chapter.
                          The reason you often see a Shriner, or another organization collecting, is that they work out a sharing deal with the chapters for manning the gates, so the chapter members can be free to do other duties, or enjoy the meet. Don't forget, that otherwise, entry into the grounds is free, and expenses need to be recouped somehow.
                          The fairgrounds fees at Eustis are quite high, apparently.
                          Pete Gagan, Prez


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Pete Gagan
                            Hi All:
                            The parking fees that are charged go to support the local chapter.
                            The money spent by you at swap meets goes directly to the vendors and is not shared in any way with the chapter.
                            The reason you often see a Shriner, or another organization collecting, is that they work out a sharing deal with the chapters for manning the gates, so the chapter members can be free to do other duties, or enjoy the meet. Don't forget, that otherwise, entry into the grounds is free, and expenses need to be recouped somehow.
                            The fairgrounds fees at Eustis are quite high, apparently.
                            Pete Gagan, Prez

                            Don't the Vendors have to pay some kind of Table charge?


                            • #15
                              Yes, the vendors do pay a table charge. What I should have said was that there is no percentage paid by the vendors on sales- (the money you spend).
                              In Florida, there is a tax collected on these sales, which is a bit unusual for our meets. The chapter is also charged some other fees by the local municipality that we don't see at other meets. If you wish further details, you should contact the Sunshine Chapter

