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Interesting !!!!!

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  • Interesting !!!!!

    I find it very interesting that with all the debate on import MCs and how people like or dislike them that if you search their topic forum nothing has been posted there for better than 30 days! I guess there really is alot of interest in them huh !


  • #2
    Possibly that could be exactly because AMCA members are mostly interested in American bikes, and other vintage venues provide more and better information about these other topics. Just as was stated in one of the other threads, it would seem that AMCA members really have little to worry about from the invasion of the "yellow peril".

    For example, I run the slash2 Yahoo! group for BMWs built before 1970 -- bikes that are all more than 35 years old. We have over 1200 members and average about 700 messages a month, both higher numbers than the AMCA site.

    I am interested in old bikes beyond my BMW fetish, however, and I enjoy both AMCA and this web site, with their focus on American bikes. And there's nothing wrong with that, I think.

    But for the moment, I expect to find more about German bikes on the German bike sites.


    • #3
      I just thought I'd add this bit of irony here. I was at a (nondenominational) vintage rally in Germany last year and met this fellow with his Harley:

      He told me he had 3 Harleys that he had collected while he worked in the US. I asked him where he had worked, and he mentioned South Carolina. A little more questioning and I found out that he worked for BMW at their Spartanburg plant. I thought it was a bit ironic, hope you do too. ;-)


      • #4
        Darryl, his name is Manfred Schlottau and he's a European AMCA member also. The bike you have in the picture now sports a lefthand sidecar. Beautiful rig and can be seen in the current issue of the AMCA mag on page 57.



        • #5
          Originally posted by KDR
          Darryl, his name is Manfred Schlottau and he's a European AMCA member also. The bike you have in the picture now sports a lefthand sidecar. Beautiful rig and can be seen in the current issue of the AMCA mag on page 57.

          So it does! I have to admit that the issue has been lying fallow on my table waiting for me to have a chance to look at it.

          I can see but three differences between the magazine's photo and mine: there's a sidecar attached (duh!), the seat is different, and the pedestrian slicer now reads 1923 instead of 1924. It's also a bit confusing that the photo is overlayed with "Greetings from Sweden", when Manfred is from Munich.

          But I hope to attend a few European vintage rallies next May, and I see that the Dessau rally is then also. I will be sure to bring my AMCA membership card with me! (Anybody have information on who to contact or a web site with info?)

