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Cataract surgery

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  • Cataract surgery

    Any of you people ever had cataract surgery? Lens removal and replacement.

    I’m scheduled for next month. Comments?

  • #2
    My architect cousin had a double cornia transplant. Pretty darn serious stuff. He was a little worried (for obvious reasons) - everything turned out fine, and for the better.

    I think that your proceedure is very common now adays- modern techniques, not a big deal. You'll be fine. You'll see life with new wonder and amazement.

    *Side note: Sign your organ donor card now folks!!!


    • #3

      My 80 year old father had it done, both eyes, and he is thrilled with the results. Go for it.


      • #4

        I use to assist with this type of surgery.
        It's generally very safe and simple.
        It's done under a local unless you need other.
        Operative microscope for the surgeons, and surprisingly quick.
        A small incision into the side of the cornea, a bit of pressure and the discoloured lens literally pops out. Then, the new Intra Ocular Lens is inserted and holds it's self in place via two small arms (you wont see them).
        Closed up with 10 O silk (thinner than a human hair, hence the microscope (ever tried tying these ****ers?)
        And an eye pad for a day or two. Anti biotic drops and cream, remove the pad and you won't believe the difference.
        Well worth getting, and best wishes from this surgery.



        • #5
          Best wishes and a speedy recovery


          • #6
            I had catarack surgury in my left eye close to 8-10 years ago. I was pretty chicken about it and went in thinking it would be bad but it was actually a piece of cake. I did opt for the good govt. dope knockout drip tho and NOT the local. I didn't want to know what they were doing. In fact, afterwards the dr. told me that I kind of woke up during the procedure and asked for a "little more of that medicine" which they gave me an that sent me off to la-la land again. I sort of recall waking up and felt some "twitching" where they were working but no pain.

            During the recovery period I felt no pain either. It wasn't bad at all. Honest. They even fed me a nice meal before sending me home.


            • #7
              Thanks for your comments. I had it done on my right eye last Wednesday with excellent results. Now want to get it done on the other eye ASAP.


              • #8
                Glad to hear it John! Hope all goes well with your other eye !~ GOD BLESS!


                • #9
                  Good going John.

                  It was easy wasn't it?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HarleyCreation
                    Good going John.

                    It was easy wasn't it?
                    The anticipation was the worse part. The operation was no problem. Get it done if you need it. My other eye is now the old bad eye. Until I get it fixed.

                    And I got to look like a Pirate for a night. (Eye Patch)

