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Winter Issue

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  • #16
    Did anyone get a roster with their calenders? I purchased two calenders and the roster, received the calenders and the winter issue in the same bag, approx. two weeks ago, but no roster.


    • #17
      Rosters are due out in Feburary (I think). Calendars would have been shipped with the winter issue if you ordered in time. Apparently I just missed the cut off. Received the magazine and calendar separately about a week ago. Magazine was post marked Nov. 21st and calendar was post marked Nov. 25th ... Perry


      • #18
        My calendar came with the winter issue as well as the renewal.

        You may have trouble with the mail not the AMCA. I have had my mail stolen as well as delivered wrong over the past few years.


        • #19
          mine came together


          • #20
            Louie - admit it. You live in a postal black hole. Phone your post master and whine like a baby. Geeeesss.... it's so painful I'm going to fedex my zine to you overnight. hee-hee-hee.....

            I didn't get a cal - apparently my big fat butt is in one of the small pictures June? Is that right? Or is it my face? You decide. Could someone email me a picture of that? I haven't seen it.

            What did I like in the Win issue: cover -she's a cutie, Jan Hinrichs - shes a cutie too AND she rides a scout! gotta meet her- shes got a magneto installed, the whole mile markers sect., buffalo boys LSR (I'd like to talk to metcalfe about eng mods), oddballs - mini & IND ATV, man I could go on and on.... Ride to work coverage was halarious if you read some of the blurbs. Great to see guys having fun with it. Great to see regular people, doing regular things, with great antique bikes! I love Dales museum - can't wait to go. Euro coverage was interesting - those boys have some neat bikes. I like the whole thing. Always do.

            I'd also like to see more shots of people and bikes. I also really like the IFr Cov & InBk Cov "full profile" shots of bikes. Miss that. Bring it back. Or give me a 2-3pg center fold of something really sexy! Maybe amer on one side and other marque on the back side. THat could be interesting. Maybe a bike company or shop logo on the centerfold(gatefold). Sponsored by???? Guys would pull it out and pin it up. Good bang for the buck.


            • #21
              Thanks for your sympathy Paul...Glory days! I got the mag yesterday from the "postal black hole". Got the calendar too. Why is it that when you see a picture of Indian guys they are always working on them? I see the Harley guys watching you and laughing! Oh well, I get about 3 months of stressless living before I get to bitch about not getting a magazine again.



              • #22
                Nice comment about us Indian lovers!!! Now your rite youve got 3 months to figure out whats in this issue!!! I mean being a HD person HA!HA!



                • #23
                  I like to fuel the fire of the Indian vs Harley war.......but that's me on the back of the calendar on my Indian on a local chapter road run.......I like them all !



                  • #24
                    Your welcome Louie.

                    Carl has switched camps. We have photos of him wearing an Indian Jersey sitting on a Chief. He said he feels disilllusioned by the inferior HD product. Hee-hee-hee.... he was thinking about giving me his 39 knuck. It's just useless junk to him now.

                    I gotta see one of these cal. I find it wierd looking at pictures of myself. I like to be behind the cam.


                    • #25
                      Be a man ride a Pan, Want some luck ride a Knuck, want some grief ride a chief, want some more ride a four. Just cause you got a picture of me drunk on that old lawnmower wearing an old grease rag does not mean I am going over to the other side. Harleys rule and they always have, that's why they are still in business. I am riding to the Lake Tahoe National road run after Davenport next year for my annual cross country trip, any of you Indian riders who think you can cut the mustard are welcome to come along if you think you can keep up. Of course as I live in South Dakota I will have to ride back again, but no matter as I will be on the best mount, a Harley. Like I said when I put on that shirt, the only good indian is a naked indian, female that is.


                      • #26
                        Content idea

                        Just an idea, if it's no good, ignore it:

                        What if you started reprinting articles from OLD OLD issues of the magazine? I guess you do this sometimes (I am a new-ish member), like the tour of the Harley factory, but I figure you could probably reprint just about anything from the archives and I'd be interested, and you'd have one less article to worry too much about.

                        Sorry if this is stupid, I'm at work and can't think too much


                        • #27
                          WELL! Seems Carl has not switched camps. Hee-hee-hee....

                          Back isssue lib of all club magazines is avail for purchase on CD. 150.00
                          Great winter read.

                          The HD factory tour lit. was a special reprint from Richards collection. It was really neat to see and read.

