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side car

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  • side car

    who made this? any ideal? Thanks Dave
    Attached Files
    Last edited by pan620; 04-03-2018, 09:24 AM. Reason: added

  • #2
    Pic is too small to tell anything of value...
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #3
      As Robbie said, the picture is a too small to see anything. Also, the frame can often tell you as much, or more about the vintage, and make than the body.
      Eric Smith
      AMCA #886


      • #4
        The frame is homemade so no help there I will see if someone can help me make the picture bigger, the wheel looks to be a dual flange Shovel head wheel...I am going to go get it this week.
        Last edited by pan620; 04-03-2018, 02:14 PM. Reason: added


        • #5
          Originally posted by pan620 View Post
          who made this? any ideal? Thanks Dave
          Hello Dave, the Hack shell/body appears to be Homemade also. Looks like someone was trying to duplicate an early 20's H.D. sidecar, w/o breaking the bank. Hope he's selling it cheap. Good Luck.
          DSC_0208.jpg ---1921 Steve McQueen's Rig.


          • #6
            Thanks everyone, yes it is cheap...FREE someone took it the scrap yard and my buddy sent some cell pics of it and told me to come get it, was hoping I struck a gold mine but that never happens to me! I will get to the shop and take a better look.


            • #7
              The Dumpster Godz have smiled upon thee Dave!...

              AMCA #776
              Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


              • #8
                Pan620, free is always great Please take some more picture when you get it home. You never know what might be there. In regards to the small picture; I'm thinking small pictures are the result of a cell phone pic. The pictures I've posted with the AMCA photo hosting feature come out full sized and I believe that is because I use a digital camera and download the pics into my desktop picture files. I'm sure there's some techno computer jive I could use to explain that; but then, I'd have to know what I'm talking about
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  Now it is not free...waiting for time to go get, see it.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Really cheap is still good. It does look home-made, but if it's going on a mild custom shovel, or early evo it would still be worth making it useable. Sidecars can be fun, but a safe, and trackable hookup is also very important.
                    Eric Smith
                    AMCA #886


                    • #11
                      Went and looked at it today, it is homemade but someone was a pretty good metal man. I am going to try and help find a buyer for it, probably take to Twisted OZ Museum for the swap, show and auction Saturday. Thanks for the reply's. Dave
                      Last edited by pan620; 04-04-2018, 06:18 PM.

