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Death Valley Run

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  • Death Valley Run

    Ahh, one more week until the Death Valley Run! Went last year and now im hooked. Put on by the SOCAL boys, you should try to make this one. Riding in the desert is an experience you will remember for life. It's nice for a Canuck like myself to ride in warm weather that time of year. The ride leaves every morning from Furnace Creek Resort to different destinations in the desert and back before supper for a dip in the pool and a little partying. This year they are making it an International run so who knows who will show up. Talked a friend of mine into going this year. Keith Young is an Indian Mechanic from Vancouver Island where I live. The wives will lay by the pool for a couple of days and we will ride around the desert with the rest of the crew. Taking down my 46 flathead and his old scout. Let you guys know how things go but why not just show up!

  • #2
    If you can and will how about posting a few pics here for us!ThankYou!!


    • #3
      Well, I'm signed up. This will be my first opportunity to join an AMCA event. It turns out there's a vintage beemer campout the weekend before near Paso Robles, so I'm hoping to ride my R60/2 to both and make a trip out of it, camping all the way.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        See you down there Darryl. Im leaving first thing in the morning should take me two nights to get there. And yes I will take some pics. Heres my knowledge of Indians. My buddys bike is a Chief not a scout. I went to pick his bike up at his house today and he owns five or six of them, two of them are 4's. Says he's looking for a headlight and some tins for one of them. Pretty fine collection of iron. Almost turned me into an Indian wannabe but I still love the old Harleys!


        • #5
          "Almost turned me into an Indian wannabe but I still love the old Harleys!"

          We will pray for your salvation and burn incense ... there is still hope for you!


          • #6
            Len, Ride a couple of them for awhile ...youlll be a convert!!!!


            • #7
              Photos from the run

              So, I did go camping with the beemer folks over the weekend and then rode my bike on to Death Valley on Monday and set up camp there.

              Unfortunately, I had to be home Wednesday night, so I had to be on the road pretty early and couldn't stay for the ride or the banquet BBQ and awards that evening. Even so, I had a great time! You can go to my web site and see some photos from both of these events.

              I did get to meet Len, and there's a couple photos of his Harley in there.


              • #8
                Youve made me sick, this is a long ways from Maine but the few pics you did post make it look like a todo trip thanks for your pics!


                • #9
                  Jeez, sorry to make you sick, Inline.

                  The weather was pretty cooperative, even moreso than the weather prevaricators said. I slept out on top of my sleeping bag, and it was probably only about 85-90 during the day, instead of the 95-100 that was promised.

                  The park was pretty empty, just a few other tourists, and we had no waits for restaurant seats and the like. And at night, the stars were simply incredible.

                  And of course, there were all these old bikes coming and going all the time, it would just snap my neck around. A little bit of work here and there also, but that is to be expected, I think.

                  And the folks were extremely friendly and took this newby into their conversations.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for posting the pictures! Great stuff!
                    It was great to see many familiar faces.


                    • #11
                      Hey Darryl, Nice meeting you out there. Had a great time also. You won an extra award for riding in the farthest but since you werent there they gave it to someone else. Make sure you contact them for the plack everyone gets. It was really something to watch Max rididng that old 101 at 70 miles an hour plus. I hope Im still riding at his age! The first day I only made it about 18 miles then was on the back of a truck with a broken throttle cable. The Indian riders got a kick out of that. The next day had a great ride with the guys down to Badwater and points west. The last day there my buddy and I rode all the way into Vegas where I lost a bit of money! Pics to come later. Also met Red Fred for the first time. Quite the character.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, watching Max ride is amazing. Like you, I just hope I'm still on two wheels when I get to be his age.

                        I was sorry to see your bike in the truck over such a small matter of a throttle cable. So I looked in the beemer's toolbox to see if I could help and realized I didn't have a spare cable of any sort, which meant that I could easily have been stranded, too... I will remedy that, however. (I've got a spare clutch cable in one of my other bikes, but...)

                        Really, it was great to see all of these old bikes out on the road, and not being babied, either.

                        I had a great ride home, as well. I rode on all sorts of roads, from a bit of interstate (I-5), lots of state highways, right down to a couple single lane roads where the deer were out in the middle of the day. My pack mule just kept running along. Now it needs the "big", 3000 mile service.

                        Anyway, I'm looking forward to attending some more of the meets and runs!

