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  • Magazine

    Am I the only one who never got the fall issue of the magazine and is it worth paying cash for on the stands?

    I am a member, have been since 1997. This is bothering me since it means non-members who bought the magazine off the racks are getting treated better than me!

  • #2
    If you read the magazine in the back is a page with a sect entitled "Whom to Contact". Looks like Pat Williams would be happy to hear your woows.

    Blame it on mail theft.....


    • #3
      Thanks ... I will look for a previous issue and try to pursue it that way.

      I figure I'll never see the fall issue, but I'm really more concerned about getting bounced out of the AMCA completely, which has also been happening, or so I'm told.


      • #4
        "bounced out of the AMCA completely, which has also been happening, or so I'm told" ...what this all about? I would like to hear more!



        • #5
          WHAT? Who did you hear got bounced? As silly and rediculous as that sounds. I think Bobs in Philly. Spill Bob! Lets hear it.

          Hummm... you would have to miss paying dues, or at events. Or generally do something really dispicable that would piss-off a whole lot of members. I've only seen situations delt fairly in the past. Most guys see the light and eventually admit - OK, that was wrong of me.


          • #6
            I to would like to hear more of this story but with names and dates not just heresay!this is troubling!And as for the latest mag you didnt miss much just a jap on the front page


            • #7
              HA!!!! Didn't miss much my butt. It was another great issue.

              I've ridden twice w/ Fred Lange and his wife and had no idea that he made all that HD stuff on the inside front cover. Not only that but apparently he has put a ton of work into correcting these bikes so that they're very rideable. He does great work I've been told. Sadly his clients entomb alot of it. What would we do without guys like Fred or Lonnie senior! I was blown away when I looked at what he had to offer. I could go page by page through the issue and give personal insight to some of the stuff. Some shockers and some inside jokes.

              I'd love one of those 8-valve racers in my garage. So just turn the cover over if you don't like to see some fella reliving his high school days.


              • #8
                Dont get me wrong there was some interesting articles in the mag and Freds was one of them. Last months little article on Robby Robinson was nice but not nearly as long as it should have been. I also believe everyone including me is intittled to their opinion thanks!


                • #9
                  I'd like to learn more of what Robby is up to. His restorations, his shop, etc.


                  • #10
                    I have an idea

                    Hey Bob
                    Here is a solution. You didn't get a copy. Inline4 doesn't want his. He can send his to you. Both problems solved.
                    Who says you can't kill two birds with one stone!

                    I'm sorry. please take no offense. I just couldn't resist.


                    • #11
                      ROUSSEAU, Nice going but I didnt say I didnt want mine and if you pay the postage Ill be glad to send it to him


                      • #12
                        As far as people getting bounced:

                        In my chapter (Seaboard), we are trying to hunt down any stragglers who are not AMCA members. In at least one case, the fellow said he tried to renew but got lost in the paperwork jungle somewhere, and when he sent a query by email, received no reply.

                        This last weekend, when I mentioned I had never gotten the current issue of the magazine, someone told me that's happening a lot, along with people not getting their membership renewals through.

                        Let's HOPE it's not that bad!

                        We get the renewal notices by mail separately from the magazine, so as long as I get that and I am able to stay in the club, I will be happy.


                        • #13
                          early this year I tried to pay my dues on line it dint work 3 different times , I fially payed the old fasiond way when they sent me my final notice!


                          • #14
                            Paperwork jungle? What? Are you serious? Been to the DMV to title a bike lately?

                            I answer all email that I see. Useing a long subject line or typeing your entire message into the subject line - will get results. aol is currently blocking? So I'm trying to figure that one out. I'd get off that plan if your on it.

                            The CC renewal form has always worked. Did you try a different card?


                            • #15
                              OK, I emailed Pat ... will update if I get the fall issue.

