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Club Magazine Question(s)

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  • Club Magazine Question(s)

    Hi, I am an overseas member of AMCA and I note that the latest issue of the magazine came out a little while ago.

    I am assuming that because I am not in the USA then I only get the online version and no hard copy. I am correct in this assumption?

    Also, because I am a Luddite (I don’t have a smartphone, tablet etc only a laptop) when I look at the online magazine my screen is in landscape orientation but the page that I am viewing is in portrait. I have found the full screen button but nowhere can I find the zoom function and some of the text is very small. Any ideas? In case it makes a difference I am running Linux, not Windows or iOS.

    Finally, is there a view offline option or is it only available if I am connected to the internet?



  • #2
    Originally posted by TechNoir View Post
    Also, because I am a Luddite (I don’t have a smartphone, tablet etc only a laptop) John
    Whenever someone calls themself a Luddite, I know that is someone I'm going to like In regards to the magazine, I thought every member got one with their membership.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #3
      Originally posted by exeric View Post
      Whenever someone calls themself a Luddite, I know that is someone I'm going to like In regards to the magazine, I thought every member got one with their membership.

      Ha ha, thanks eric.

      I was not sure if I got a hard copy or not but its been a couple of weeks and I haven’t seen one yet so i assumed I wasn’t getting one in the post.

      I realised that calling myself a Luddite and then saying that I am running Linux is a bit of a contradiction.



      • #4

        Let me answer as many of your questions as I can:

        a) Every member will receive a printed copy of the magazine. The digital edition is strictly available as a companion to the print edition. However, one of the reasons that the Board decided to offer the digital edition was because of the long mailing times to members like yourself who are located outside the U.S. In particular the Board wanted to give members around the world an equal chance to get to the good deals in the Trash & Treasure section before everything is snapped up by the people who get their printed magazines quickly.

        b) Because the magazine page format and a computer screen format don't match very well, we recognize that it may be difficult to read some pages on a small screen. The good news is that you can go to the "Contents" icon (this looks like an asterisk or a "splat" at the top right corner of the screen). From there you can select any story and see just the text in what should be a readable form. This is probably the best way to read stories on a small screen. This is also where you can find the archive of previous issues (only one available now, but these will build up as we continue to produce additional digital mags).

        c) There is no offline viewing option--you will need to be connected to the Internet to see each issue.

        d) None of this should be affected by the fact that you're running Linux, which is great. My current software needs don't allow me to use it as my main operating system anymore, but I've still got at least a couple of computers laying around with Linux installs on them.

        Bill Wood


        • #5
          Re: Club Magazine Question(s)


          Many thanks for the excellent response. I still have one question though.

          When I did the tutorial it stated that I should "Click the AA icon to change the text size of the content"

          However I cannot see this icon, it was this I was referring to in my original post when i said I could not find the zoom function. Am I missing something here?



          • #6
            Originally posted by TechNoir View Post

            When I did the tutorial it stated that I should "Click the AA icon to change the text size of the content"
            Never mind I had another look and found it in the text pages. I was looking for it in the magazine image pages.

            Thanks again.

