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  • Rhinebeck?

    What's the story on Rhinebeck the date is changed and the new date is tentative?Anyone know.

  • #2
    After my experience with the debacle that occurred with published dates later being changed this year for Rhinebeck and other events, I suggest you get CONFIRMATION from Keith Kizer before you make any plans such as booking a flight.


    • #3
      Is there anyone out there that knows WHAT"S UP for Rhinebeck??? I was told that "TENTATIVE" means that it is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN & it is CANCELLED !!! If this is TRUE then there is NO NEED FOR ANY RESPONSE FROM CLUB Administrators, If it is "IN THE WORKS" how about a little info ???? Who is in charge ????
      Thanks for the info in advance (If any is provided)


      • #4
        I think the $55,000.00 clams might have something to do with it. I wont be going back after seeing 15 people lined up at the gate on Friday morning this summer. Bored out of my mind there in a half a day. I can drink beer in the shop and get something done. Bob L
        AMCA #3149


        • #5
          Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
          I think the $55,000.00 clams might have something to do with it. I wont be going back after seeing 15 people lined up at the gate on Friday morning this summer. Bored out of my mind there in a half a day. I can drink beer in the shop and get something done. Bob L
          Your Right this is no place to sell stuff, I set up & play with friends, see people I have missed, argue with security ect ..... but yea, as far as meets go it is not what one would expect, it has become more of a "Curiosity Seekers" hang out.. Sometimes they act like it's a museum & it's my responsibility to explain antique motorcycle history to them (Ie.. Whats; this go to .....What would something like this cost.... how hard is it to find something like this... It's OK if my kid with sticky hands climbs all over your bike, turning all the handles & knobs while I act like I did not notice ....) You get the point !!! Just would like to know what's up from Club or organizers .....


          • #6
            I used to go every year, but after last year, i think I am going to ride the extra hours and go Wauseon


            • #7
              Originally posted by gurka View Post
              What's the story on Rhinebeck the date is changed and the new date is tentative?Anyone know.
              Date is changed and the new dates are July 1 & 2. Vendor set up June 30.


              • #8
                Maybe not...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 45OZ View Post
                  It's OK if my kid with sticky hands climbs all over your bike, turning all the handles & knobs while I act like I did not notice ....) You get the point !!!
                  I was at Wauseon one year when an unsupervised kid knocked over a vendor's table and broke a Motolamp lens. The parents were sorry, but they didn't hesitate to say it was a rickety table.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Hollywood View Post
                    Maybe not...
                    Event still will happen July 1&2 , vendor set up June 30.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 45OZ View Post
                      Your Right this is no place to sell stuff, I set up & play with friends, see people I have missed, argue with security ect ..... but yea, as far as meets go it is not what one would expect, it has become more of a "Curiosity Seekers" hang out.. Sometimes they act like it's a museum & it's my responsibility to explain antique motorcycle history to them (Ie.. Whats; this go to .....What would something like this cost.... how hard is it to find something like this... It's OK if my kid with sticky hands climbs all over your bike, turning all the handles & knobs while I act like I did not notice ....) You get the point !!! Just would like to know what's up from Club or organizers .....
                      I've been to Rhinebeck....several times. And I've run into vendors like 45OZ who don't seem to have the time of day for someone they don't know, or someone who might ask what they feel is a stupid question. I don't know who's who in the vendor world...but I will tell you, if you could care less about talking to me then I could care less about buying from you. My experience with vendors at meets is most are interested in talking about old bikes, sale or no sale.

                      I'm the guy who walked away from your display with money in my pocket because you were not interested in talking to me.
                      Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.


                      • #12
                        I am a sometimes vendor at AMCA meets, Rhinebeck included. One third of the fun is talking to old like minded motorcyclists. One third of the fun is answering questions from people who may be ignorant of our hobby. They may be ignorant but they are showing an interest and I thought we were trying to attract new and younger members to our club. Turning a deaf ear to someone showing interest in our hobby is a big mistake. I even make time to talk to the guy wearing bright white sneakers and smoking a ten dollar imported cigar, you just never know. The final one third is all about having a good time and making enough to pay for the weekend's expenses, it is not a second job.

                        Lyle Manheimer


                        • #13
                          "I'm the guy who walked away from your display with money in my pocket because you were not interested in talking to me."

                          Bob, you'd be one of the few walking around Rhinebeck with money in your pocket. Even fewer if you actually bought parts. Rhinebeck is a weird place and I can clearly understand where 45OZ can come up with that attitude. Friday is tolerable as you get people that are into our hobby but Saturday when the upper west side Manhattan crowd takes the train up the Hudson to give their brats a day in the country could wear any ones patience. These people want a circus and the AMCA is the side show. Bob L
                          Last edited by Robert Luland; 11-22-2015, 07:51 AM.
                          AMCA #3149


                          • #14
                            Hi Piston Bully I have no idea who you are but I am VERY Curious as to how you can state that "vendors like 45OZ who don't seem to have the time of day for someone they don't know, or someone who might ask what they feel is a stupid question" When was the LAST time I met YOU ???
                            Your statement is Offensive & Totally out of PLACE here, I talk to EVERYONE interested & somewhat knowledgeable about the antique motorcycle hobby I enjoy.. Also I would say that most of my friends & associates where all met through swap meets, I did not enter this field with a group of friends I entered this hobby by myself & established friendships through meeting & talking to people I did not know at first... I take Extreme OFFENSE at you attacking my character Like you just did & taking my previous OUT of context & inserting your own personnel opinion to the content of Statement. Now At what meet did you walk away from my Table Because you said I would not Talk to you?? If I did not talk to you then I was busy talking to another person & what is it that you wanted to talk about that you are now upset about?? I feel an Apology to me is in order & a Drink together at OLEY !!!!!!


                            • #15
                              45OZ, don’t take offense! What you wrote sounded as if you don’t like to deal with questions about history, fit, and price, for example. And all I’m saying is that if that’s the case I won’t be buying from you (or vendors who don’t like to answer questions). So if you actually meant that you enjoy that part of selling at Rhinebeck then I apologize! It’s fine to vend at swap meets and not answer questions, all I’m saying is that I’m not going to purchase from vendors who won’t give the time of day. BTW, your later posting sounds different than your first one, too!

                              I have purchased parts at swap meets, even Rhinebeck. But I am not a 30 year veteran of swap meets, you don’t know me and I don’t know you. I have witnessed vendors who won’t get our of their chairs to show me which crate to look in, and others who actually will ignore a question. I’ve seen vendors asleep in their chairs and vendors toking up on reefer. That’s all fine, it’s okay, I don’t care….but I don’t think a fair claim can be made by vendors who don’t want to interact with the public (this is how I read your comments 45OZ… sorry) that a particular swap meet is bad. It’s just my opinion.

                              Full disclosure, I work full time and taking a Friday off to attend a swap meet would be a real luxury for me. Maybe when I retire I’ll be better able to attend meets that fall on workdays, and maybe I’ll find that Friday’s at a swap meet are a whole different deal… vendors are vending!

                              And if you vend at swap meets, don’t take any of this as criticism! I don't attack anyone's character by any means, people do what they do, that’s fine by me and I’m not saying they’re bad or should change, I’m only saying that if they ignore me I’ll have to keep on walking because I’ve got questions.
                              Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.

