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San Diego Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America

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  • San Diego Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America

    The San Diego Chapter was granted a full Chapter charter on October 1st 2015.

    Many thanks to the National Board for accepting our application and granting us the honor of forming a Chapter.

    The monthly meetings will be scheduled soon as well as the development of an email distribution list and website. A Facebook group has already been created.

    Thanks to ALL who made this happen.

    Kevin Sisterson
    San Diego Chapter

  • #2
    Sad Diego Chapter

    Is there a web hosting company that has an affiliation with the AMCA?

    Kevin Sisterson
    San Diego Chapter


    • #3
      Kevin, Welcome in with the other five California Chapters. Now we are six. We hope to see you with a Chapter booth at Dixon. It's a good way to get the word out. Congrats, Rich Fort Sutter Chapter


      • #4
        Welcome from Florida from the Gulf Coast Chapter!
        Nice to have you aboard.
        --Gerry Lyons, Chapter something. Oh, Judge and Nit-picker
        Gerry Lyons #607


        • #5
          On behalf of the AMCA Board, welcome. We appreciated the efficient way your members applied for Chapter status from start to finish. It has been a while since I've been to San Diego. I envy your year-round riding weather. Here in Westen PA we have another month of riding before the snow begins to fly. Good luck spreading the word about the joy of ownership and preservation of old bikes and the AMCA in your area.
          Richard Spagnolli
          AMCA #6153


          • #6
            Were you formerly the San Diego Antique Motorcycle Club that started the Del Mar meet?
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #7
              Some of the members of, San Diego Chapter of AMCA, are current or past members of, San Diego Antique Motorcycle Club. They are two separate, stand alone Club's. Thanks for your interest.
              Fred Davis, Director of Chapters
              Fred Davis AMCA #9176


              • #8
                New chapters, Mr Davis, et al.....
                Ours is now about 22 years old, and we declared that our interest was in emphasizing RIDER PARTICIPATION, ... and it seems we may have ignored all other inherent responsibilities. So we haven't done a news letter in about 13 years, haven't made a national statement of any kind in about as long, don't aspire to much of anything, except having fun on old bikes, going in various group sizes to meets and road runs, avidly shop for parts, and we have meetings and club rides. .. and the CORE of our friendship is the AMCA.
                So don't set your standards or goals too high for everybody, or you may lose some of those who desire a lesser pace.
                Back then when we started, I once asked Bob McLean when he and the rest of the "Brass" were gonna slap us silly and read us the riot act. He laughed, and assured us that they wouldn't be interested in that kind of enforcement. Just have fun without hurting anybody else.
                They ain't kicked us out yet....


                • #9
                  Is it with pride that you state "we have ignored all other inherent responsibilities"? Annual reports from Chapters is the only way we (the board) have to gauge Chapter participation within the AMCA. Providing this information is important to AMCA and to your Chapter, as any program to better serve Chapters will be based on information Chapters provide.
                  Please, reread, the AMCA Policies and Procedures Manual (available on this web site) for a better understanding of your responsibilities as a Chapter President and AMCA member.
                  Best regards, Fred Davis, Director of Chapters
                  Fred Davis AMCA #9176


                  • #10
                    Is it with pride that you state "we have ignored all other inherent responsibilities"? Annual reports from Chapters is the only way we (the board) have to gauge Chapter participation within the AMCA. Providing this information is important to AMCA and to your Chapter, as any program to better serve Chapters will be based on information Chapters provide.

                    Fred, "it seems we may have ignored..." .. that's just a little different than what you quoted.
                    Our man charged with state reporting says we're up to snuff, and he is also our chapter contact person, so we have all presumed that no-news-is-good-news. Are we delinquent on anything? I hope not.
                    The point I meant to stress is that too much rigidity and ambition for great things may not agree with everybody. We looked in the mirror and realized that we wouldn't be hosting national meets or road runs.
                    As I said, at the core of it all is old bikes, getting together to have fun with those old bikes, and talking a lot of old bike stuff. That's kinda fundamental, isn't it? I hope it remains so, for everybody.


                    • #11
                      Please forgive my misquote. You asked "Are we delinquent on anything?". The answer is, Yes. All Chapters of AMCA,including yours, are required to provide a list of current Officers and Directors of the Chapter and a complete list of Chapter members, to the Director of Chapters, annually, even if there is no changes from the previous year. This is stated in the AMCA P&P Manual as well as in the packet you received at the Presidents meeting at Wauseon.
                      As I said, this is the only way the Board of Directors have to gauge Chapter membership and develop programs that may benefit local Chapters.
                      Fred Davis AMCA #9176


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hogchild71 View Post
                        Please forgive my misquote. You asked "Are we delinquent on anything?". The answer is, Yes. All Chapters of AMCA,including yours, are required to provide a list of current Officers and Directors of the Chapter and a complete list of Chapter members, to the Director of Chapters, annually, even if there is no changes from the previous year. This is stated in the AMCA P&P Manual as well as in the packet you received at the Presidents meeting at Wauseon.
                        As I said, this is the only way the Board of Directors have to gauge Chapter membership and develop programs that may benefit local Chapters.
                        Rats! We're busted, again!
                        Y'know, they usually threaten to castrate me whenever I bring this stuff up.
                        But if you'll give us 'til about Christmas time I think we can scratch something together. Otherwise, everybody's too gainfully employed to stop for much more than a beer or two.
                        Uh, we do have a new member who's retired. Maybe we could name him..... he wouldn't run off, would he?

