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American Pickers Episode

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  • American Pickers Episode

    Okay I have to chime in here on something I heard last night on an American Pickers episode repeat. It was the one where they dug the Indian out of the ground in Springfield. I really like the show but Mike Wolfe needs to think before he speaks or maybe read his lines a little bit closer. This guy claims to know everything about Indians but goes and make a statement that is totally incorrect. He says that from 1939 to 1945 Indian did not make a civilian Chief so the only option was to buy an Indian 4 cylinder.

    I mean come on, I know of several AMCA members with 1940, 1941 and yes some 1942 Chiefs and of course we all know that 1942 was the last year for the 4 cylinder. Then the essential use Chief from 1944 and 1945. The only year I was aware of that Indian did not make a civilian model was 1943. I think Harley also did this.

    I don't claim to know everything about Indians but I also know not to make a statement like he did without having my information correct.

    Okay I am done. Thanks for listening. Mark.

  • #2
    I wouldn't listen to anything those chuckleheads say, or the script reading extras they put on the show. Good heads-up Mark, B.S. artists like them need to be outed.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #3
      Sighted in the porta-potty the year before last at D-port:
      (Scribble resized for clarity.)

      AMCA #776
      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


      • #4
        I can't stand how these reality shows always dramatize with their soap opera b.s. Just show me the dam motorcycle!
        I couldn't care less about their nickel-dime scalping action, or why the owner won't sell to them. If they'd just realize that the goods are the main attraction (and not their celebrity status) we might get to appreciate their work a lot more.
        I'd rather watch Antiques Road Show.


        • #5
          Originally posted by fillibuster View Post
          I can't stand how these reality shows always dramatize with their soap opera b.s. Just show me the dam motorcycle!
          I couldn't care less about their nickel-dime scalping action, or why the owner won't sell to them. If they'd just realize that the goods are the main attraction (and not their celebrity status) we might get to appreciate their work a lot more.
          I'd rather watch Antiques Road Show.
          Yes, Filibuster,

          'The Antiques Roadshow' has benefited vintage motorcycling far more than any Discovery Channel show, or any other TV production, as it alerted the masses to evils of ""restoration"".

          AMCA #776
          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


          • #6
            I saw that particular porta potty at Davenport, and burst out laughing. Both of those guys seem pretty normal in person, so I assume their behavior on the show is part of the act. I don't
            expect much from anything on TV, so I,m not offended by inaccuracies, such as the "found" 44FL with only 3 numbers in the serial number.


            • #7

              They visited my shop once; It ain't an act.

              AMCA #776
              Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


              • #8
                the antique roadshow had some dealers that would under value things. after the filming these dealers would buy the item in the parking lot. then a year or so later sell it for a large profit. This was not part of the roadshow production company just some of scummy dealers the hired. the antique business is filled with some of the biggest thieves, liars and cheats.
                the picker have a long run on the boob tube. people must watch them. they had an idea or dream and followed it. Be happy for them. if you can do better try it. It's next to impossible to get you chance with a network.
                rob ronky #10507


                • #9
                  One of my favorite sights at Davenport a few years back; some vendor had a flatbed trailer with sideboards on it filled with rusty treasures. Spray painted on the sideboards was "PICKERS AIN'T GOT ****" and there was Mike Wolfe up to his elbows digging through the goodies in the trailer. It made me chuckle. And me without a camera.




                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rwm View Post
                    the antique roadshow had some dealers that would under value things. after the filming these dealers would buy the item in the parking lot. then a year or so later sell it for a large profit. This was not part of the roadshow production company just some of scummy dealers the hired. the antique business is filled with some of the biggest thieves, liars and cheats.
                    the picker have a long run on the boob tube. people must watch them. they had an idea or dream and followed it. Be happy for them. if you can do better try it. It's next to impossible to get you chance with a network.
                    Okay, I envy them. They get to rummage through stuff, hunt, find, score. But the production plays tease-'em with the camera, and makes more of that game than it does with the subject matter. It's proof that a majority of the masses (who rate soap over substance) are the reason I don't get to just "see the dam motorcycle".
                    On antiques road show the subject gets a pretty full 3-d look, with historical commentary to help the viewer appreciate the subject. The Pickers are there to show off their "game" more than anything else. "Deadliest Catch" is like that. Do you remember seeing a fish on that?


                    • #11

                      I only have an antenna TV (more than I need...), so I didn't recognize the skinny one when he strolled in and started asking how much for this and how much for that and that and that. Problem is: I have a service shop.

                      The short one walked in as I was wagging my head sideways, grabbed the skinny one by the shirtsleeve and pulled him back out the door.

                      Since then I have been told that they portray trespassing to peek in barn windows, "raping widows" for profit, and generally do the image of the vintage industry little good.

                      PS: When I saw them roaming at D-port, it looked like they had a bodyguard. So maybe they are not as stu...... Nevermind.
                      Last edited by T. Cotten; 01-11-2015, 02:14 PM.
                      AMCA #776
                      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!

