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Welcome Aboard Kieith Kizor !

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  • Welcome Aboard Kieith Kizor !

    Just heard the news

    A big shout out from us all from the Lake Erie Chapter !

    Rick Stambaugh

  • #2
    Thanks Rick! I can't wait to meet the Lake Erie folks at Wauseon in July. - Keith


    • #3
      what are we welcoming you to?
      rob ronky #10507


      • #4
        October 19: The Antique Motorcycle Club of America (AMCA) announced today that Keith Kizer has been appointed as its Executive Director. Kizer, who formerly ran the AMA Prostar Drag Racing Series and served as the Senior Director for AMA Pro Racing, will oversee the AMCA’s various strategic projects, events, programs and daily operations. Kizer will work from his office in Huntsville, Alabama, and report to the AMCA’s Board of Directors. The appointment is effective immediately.

        “Keith has a long history of developing and growing membership-based organizations, from his co-founding of the AMA Prostar Drag Racing Series to reviving the road-racing side of AMA Pro Racing from 2006 to 2008 prior to its sale,” said Richard Spagnolli, AMCA President. “His experience and management expertise are sure to help the AMCA continue the culture and tradition of serving the antique motorcycle community as it has for the last 60 years.

        “The addition of Keith will give us the opportunity to grow the organization through overseeing a new strategic plan to be adopted by the Board,” Spagnolli added.

        The Antique Motorcycle Club of America was founded in 1954 by four men who had a passion for preserving old bikes. In the decades since, the AMCA has grown to become one of the largest organizations of antique-motorcycle enthusiasts in the world, with more than 10,000 members in the United States and more than a dozen other countries.

        “After four decades in the motorcycle-racing world, I embrace this new chapter in my motorcycling career and look forward to helping the AMCA fulfill its vision for the future,” said Kizer. “The world of antique motorcycling offers an amazing network of enthusiasts, fabricators and historians, all devoted to preserving the heritage of this sport. I look forward to working with them and to expanding this network to a new generation of riders and racers.”
        Last edited by Spag; 10-22-2014, 10:11 PM.
        Richard Spagnolli
        AMCA #6153


        • #5
          Originally posted by Spag View Post
          October 19: The Antique Motorcycle Club of America (AMCA) announced today that Keith Kizer has been appointed as its Executive Director. Kizer, who formerly ran the AMA Prostar Drag Racing Series and served as the Senior Director for AMA Pro Racing, will oversee the AMCA’s various strategic projects, events, programs and daily operations. Kizer will work from his office in Huntsville, Alabama, and report to the AMCA’s Board of Directors. The appointment is effective immediately.

          “Keith has a long history of developing and growing membership-based organizations, from his co-founding of the AMA Prostar Drag Racing Series to reviving the road-racing side of AMA Pro Racing from 2006 to 2008 prior to its sale,” said Richard Spagnolli, AMCA President. “His experience and management expertise are sure to help the AMCA continue the culture and tradition of serving the antique motorcycle community as it has for the last 60 years.

          “The addition of Keith will give us the opportunity to grow the organization through overseeing a new strategic plan to be adopted by the Board,” Spagnolli added.

          The Antique Motorcycle Club of America was founded in 1954 by four men who had a passion for preserving old bikes. In the decades since, the AMCA has grown to become one of the largest organizations of antique-motorcycle enthusiasts in the world, with more than 10,000 members in the United States and more than a dozen other countries.

          “After four decades in the motorcycle-racing world, I embrace this new chapter in my motorcycling career and look forward to helping the AMCA fulfill its vision for the future,” said Kizer. “The world of antique motorcycling offers an amazing network of enthusiasts, fabricators and historians, all devoted to preserving the heritage of this sport. I look forward to working with them and to expanding this network to a new generation of riders and racers.”
          Great news Spag!
          What's his era of participation on the drag strip.
          Can't help imagining a meet at a drag strip! Run what ya brung! Challenge matches! .... leave your pink slips at home, btw.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Spag View Post
            October 19: The Antique Motorcycle Club of America (AMCA) announced today that Keith Kizer has been appointed as its Executive Director. Kizer, who formerly ran the AMA Prostar Drag Racing Series and served as the Senior Director for AMA Pro Racing, will oversee the AMCA’s various strategic projects, events, programs and daily operations. Kizer will work from his office in Huntsville, Alabama, and report to the AMCA’s Board of Directors. The appointment is effective immediately.

            “The addition of Keith will give us the opportunity to grow the organization through overseeing a new strategic plan to be adopted by the Board,” Spagnolli added.

            The Antique Motorcycle Club of America was founded in 1954 by four men who had a passion for preserving old bikes. In the decades since, the AMCA has grown to become one of the largest organizations of antique-motorcycle enthusiasts in the world, with more than 10,000 members in the United States and more than a dozen other countries.

            “After four decades in the motorcycle-racing world, I embrace this new chapter in my motorcycling career and look forward to helping the AMCA fulfill its vision for the future,” said Kizer. “The world of antique motorcycling offers an amazing network of enthusiasts, fabricators and historians, all devoted to preserving the heritage of this sport. I look forward to working with them and to expanding this network to a new generation of riders and racers.”
            Couple of questions. “Keith has a long history of developing and growing membership-based organizations, from his co-founding of the AMA Prostar Drag Racing Series to reviving the road-racing side of AMA Pro Racing from 2006 to 2008 prior to its sale,” said Richard Spagnolli, AMCA President. “His experience and management expertise are sure to help the AMCA continue the culture and tradition of serving the antique motorcycle community as it has for the last 60 years.

            Why now if the AMCA has been here for 60 years, hasn't the membership grown already to over 10,000, what is the membership goal of the board?

            “The addition of Keith will give us the opportunity to grow the organization through overseeing a new strategic plan to be adopted by the Board,” Spagnolli added.

            What is the new strategic plan?
            Bob Rice #6738


            • #7
              Like Bob, I wonder what the strategic plans means for the AMCA? Like many other members have said, many times; Is big better?
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #8
                I would like to add that I am very happy with the membership dues I pay, very fair at $35. With that being said, if the post about the wages for this position are correct, $75K-$90K. At approx. 10,000 members that is $7.50 -$9.00 per member each year to pay for this addition. Not to rip on our new member Keith, but that is approx. 21% to 27% of my total yearly dues for this new position, or did the 2 extra issues of the magazine advertisement fees pay for this? I mean, wow, the club must be doing very well if we (you) have that much extra money. If so, why do we need to grow so much, and if so how much extra money will there be then?
                Not disgruntled by any means, just is this necessary? My small business needs to spend x amount every year or the uncle takes a bigger chunk, is this all this is, a $ funnel or is there an agenda? I think members have a right to know what the overall 'growth thoughts' and why the "club" is spending this money. If the club rakes in more money from growth, will more additional people need to be hired to spend that money? Anybody else feel the same?
                Last edited by BigLakeBob; 10-24-2014, 08:38 PM. Reason: added (you)
                Bob Rice #6738


                • #9
                  Bob and Eric,
                  Please take a moment to review the article "The Road Ahead Strategic Planning for the Future of the AMCA" in the May-June 2014 issue of the magazine on pages 49-53. This article explains the Board's reasons for a strategic plan for the future of the AMCA. Please note that this article is not the Stategic Plan but sets out the Board's vision for the future then invites Members to offer suggestions to help the Board formulate a plan. To date, only two Members have submitted suggestions as requested. More member involvement is welcomed and needed. Suggestions should be sent to Executive Director Keith Kizer at Thanks.
                  Richard Spagnolli
                  AMCA #6153


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Spag View Post
                    To date, only two Members have submitted suggestions as requested. Thanks. Richard
                    Such a groundswell of support should be noted from 10,000 members. Shelby


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BigLakeBob View Post
                      I would like to add that I am very happy with the membership dues I pay, very fair at $35. With that being said, if the post about the wages for this position are correct, $75K-$90K. At approx. 10,000 members that is $7.50 -$9.00 per member each year to pay for this addition. Not to rip on our new member Keith, but that is approx. 21% to 27% of my total yearly dues for this new position, or did the 2 extra issues of the magazine advertisement fees pay for this? I mean, wow, the club must be doing very well if we (you) have that much extra money. If so, why do we need to grow so much, and if so how much extra money will there be then?
                      Not disgruntled by any means, just is this necessary? My small business needs to spend x amount every year or the uncle takes a bigger chunk, is this all this is, a $ funnel or is there an agenda? I think members have a right to know what the overall 'growth thoughts' and why the "club" is spending this money. If the club rakes in more money from growth, will more additional people need to be hired to spend that money? Anybody else feel the same?
                      As you stated.. I am also stating "I am not disgruntled either".... But lets just look at more pieces and parts.. The world is not easy anymore. One cannot simply divide a salaried staff members total compensation package by the simple number of members and state that "x dollars and cents" are covered by your individual membership dues. The AMCA has other revenue streams other than your $30 a year. The AMCA makes money from meets, the magazine, sponsorships, merchandise sales, donations and other means etc... Yes the AMCA had done a great job of growing from 4 people in a vacant field in 1955 to over 10,400+ members in 7 (or more?) countries today and also over 14,000 social media enthusiast's on Facebook... But how long can any organization survive with "an all volunteer effort?" An all volunteer effort of average age 59 people? The population continues to grow and the AMCA should at least maintain the same linear % of members from any population base. Should we not?

                      On the issue of $30 dollars per membership that has been stated by "many" on this topic...Come on AMCA Members... There has been zero dues increase in 11 years since 2004. Happy Meals have gone up in 11 years. How many people are unhappy about that? The annual magazine subscription for 6 issues is worth every penny of $ it not? Plus we all have a website that needs maintained, judging programs, swap meets, national road runs, an archive library and on and on. How much should we all get for $30 bucks? To the detractors and whiners.... If an extra $5 bucks causes anyone to actually become homeless, then sell a motorcycle part or a cake and raise the $5 bucks. The AMCA needs to keep pace with the times... not with the smallest percentage of members who cry "fixed income." (Crap...Bet this gets a bunch of commentary now?) I am not fanning the fire here AMCA Members... But people "normally" care only about their own situation, or their own viewpoint. The AMCA Board needs to look at all 10.000+ members... not just the ones that always post against a dues increase. And... By The Way... no one is going to answer the question about how big are we going to be? Or how big is big enough? That is what Strategic Plans and Membership Surveys are meant to assist with. No one knows a number to state. (No wonder the AMCA Board and Spagnolli do not answer these posts... They end up with targets on their back for trying!)

                      Bob Rice...I am "not" directing this at you. Just grouping all the previous dirty laundry into one basket that you sat on the ground sir! I respect all in the AMCA...I certainly respect you....I just tire of the "never charge any more cry from the corner of the room. ("Now where did I put my bullet proof vest?)
                      Happy New Year All!
                      Steve Klein
                      Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                      American Pre-teens - 1965
                      AMCA Member 12176
                      Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                      Georgetown, TX USA


                      • #12
                        Dear Steve and All, the British VMCC with 16,500 members has just put up its dues by around $10 a head, citing loss of income from commissions on bike insurance. Domestic dues are now $57 a year, European membership $76 and Rest of the World (US) is $85 a year. Enjoy your $30 while you can guys, and go for that 3 year deal on our AMCA membership.


                        • #13
                          Steve and Steve;
                          I'm blessed to be so fortunate, for now, that I can agree with you. But we must acknowledge that there are many who have had to make choices with their income and the time consumed by their persuasions. Had the last 6 years been as tough on me as on other former members in my club circle I too, might have put ALL things motorcycle in cold storage, much as I did coming home from the Army with wife and kids in tow in 1975. I surfaced in 1990 with a vengeance, much more able to "play" than if I'd scratched out the small game for 15 years. For those who have had to sacrifice their participations in tough times, I wish there were a compromise to keep you around, and I'm sorry that you haven't been able to hang out like in the good old days. You are missed (or will be).

                          There is a lot more to being an active member than $30 annual dues, and this may speak to the many chapter members who hang out "under the radar" of the national's required membership. Not that I advocate that, but there is a message in that fact.

                          I hope the club survives the new threats from other options than membership, such as ebay.


                          • #14
                            I was going to go into a lengthy response of my opinions, but there is no reason. There is a point where you come to realize the fact that the $35 I gladly spend plus about triple that in meet shirts really gives me no right to ask why, how much or where the club money is spent. Happy 2015 everyone.
                            Bob Rice #6738

