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Field Games

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  • Field Games

    I really enjoyed the games at Wauseon, every time I participate I think how can I do this better next time. I like to do the three wheeled games, do any of our forum folks have a suggestion for the three wheeled games? With more people buying trikes and sidecars it could provide much entertainment at our meets. I have done the blind man's race, the spear the loop and ring the cone with an inner tube. Does any body have a suggestion. It is fun to do and fun to watch, I was the slowest non-cone hitter at Wauseon and proud of it!!!!!

  • #2
    Precision stopping is always good.

    Put a CD on the ground (I suggest Nickleback) and see if one can stop with the front wheel dead center. Always a fun one.

    Since trikes (Servicars) were designed for marking chalk on tires, maybe try a contest to mark tires? Line up some tires/wheels and see who can get three parallel stripes on the most tires in 2 minutes? Chalk-sticks provided by contest organizers ;-)

    Slow races don't work well with trikes... but how about drag races? As a sidehack rider, I can tell you that full-out acceleration with a sidecar is not easy. And Servicars aren't known for their G-force on takeoff. But that makes for fun races.

    How about tractor-pulls with three-wheelers? Either with weight transfer sled or bike-on-bike.

    Just some thoughts.... there are lots of ways to play with three-wheelers.




    • #3
      Kids field games were started at Wauseon a few years ago by Matt and Brittany Olsen. There was a good turnout of enthusiastic kids again this year under the direction of Brittany. No three wheelers but these kids can really ride their bikes! Won't be long before some of these kids are riding old bikes themselves in the field games instead of bicycles. It would be nice to see more kids field games at other AMCA National Meets. The equipment for the adult games is already in place. The kids ride the same games with little modification. Takes about an hour. Maybe someone would being willing to volunteer at the Yankee Chapter and Chesapeake Chapter National Meets to sponsor and officiate the kids field games... Please... Thanks.
      Richard Spagnolli
      AMCA #6153


      • #4
        Originally posted by Spag View Post
        The equipment for the adult games is already in place. The kids ride the same games with little modification. Takes about an hour. Maybe someone would being willing to volunteer at the Yankee Chapter and Chesapeake Chapter National Meets to sponsor and officiate the kids field games... Please... Thanks.
        contact AAA they have bicycle safety programs and games for this kind of event.
        rob ronky #10507


        • #5
          Originally posted by sirhrmechanic View Post
          Precision stopping is always good.

          Put a CD on the ground (I suggest Nickleback) and see if one can stop with the front wheel dead center. Always a fun one.

          Since trikes (Servicars) were designed for marking chalk on tires, maybe try a contest to mark tires? Line up some tires/wheels and see who can get three parallel stripes on the most tires in 2 minutes? Chalk-sticks provided by contest organizers ;-)

          Slow races don't work well with trikes... but how about drag races? As a sidehack rider, I can tell you that full-out acceleration with a sidecar is not easy. And Servicars aren't known for their G-force on takeoff. But that makes for fun races.

          How about tractor-pulls with three-wheelers? Either with weight transfer sled or bike-on-bike.

          Just some thoughts.... there are lots of ways to play with three-wheelers.


          Back in the mid-90's there were field events at an Indian Day celebration in Sturgis. For the boards I pulled up on the hack, drew some objection, but offered to run the side-hack wheel on the boards, and was ok'd. I took off my left boot and sock and steered with my big toe hooked over the handlebar, leaned over the hack and rested on my right elbow on the car's armrest, throttle set low, and chugged along and ran true, and be-dazzled the crowd!
          true story.
          the crowd-pleaser


          • #6
            For clarification: There was "a good turnout of enthusiastic kids", but,sadly, they were disappointed as there was no kids field games at Wauseon this year. This situation will change in 2015. Kids field games will take place on the same field as adult games and all participants will receive some sort of recognition for their effort.
            If you are the parent or grand-parent of one of these disappointed kids, please apologize to them for me and tell them that there will be a fun competition next year.
            Best regards, Fred.
            Fred Davis AMCA #9176


            • #7
     I sit with egg on my face. Somehow I missed the Kids Field Games that did take place at Wauseon. I apologize to any kids that were mis-informed and may have missed their opportunity to take part in the games. I'm extremely embarrassed that Ms. Brittney was not recognized for her effort on behalf of the Wauseon National. Thank you, Brittney. Sorry to all for my confusion, Fred.
              Last edited by hogchild71; 07-28-2014, 09:06 AM. Reason: Spelling
              Fred Davis AMCA #9176


              • #8
                That's OK Fred...we all know you do a thousand things that weekend. Years ago one of my favourites for 3 wheelers was "spear the can". Layout 5 cans about 15 feet apart ranging from a small opening.... (say a baby food can) to a gallon can of something. You start with big to small and give the sidecar rider a pool cue or something like that. Up here we use hockey sticks cut off. The first run is in first gear and the driver has to judge that the sidehack rider can reach and successfully flick the can up in the air. Repeat in second and or what fun in 3rd gear. Best score out of 15.So you need about 75 feet in a row to layout the 5 cans of 5 different size openings.


                • #9
                  Man, I am so flabbergasted with the response for the games. Now, if only we can get the people that run them (field games) to include any suggestions for an event to fill out the three wheeled games. It would be cool, more and more of us MC folks are going the way of the third wheel. As I get older I understand the need for more stability via a third wheel.

                  As far as the kids games, we can only provide a comfortable/easy medium to our potential/future prodigies to embrace. It would be good to ask our kids what they would like. When you get the input of youth it provides a genuine true perspective of what is fun and not too challenging for them to participate in. As a teacher I understand the need to make things challenging but yet manageable. We don't want to scare anyone off. We have a great future to look to and embrace for the investment in the club.

                  Thanks for the input on both ends, I like having fun and so do our youth.
                  How many Tyler H's do we have in our future?
                  Without their input and participation we are lost.
                  Thanks Tyler, you are a great backseat driver.

