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  • Whoopteedoo

    Somebody grabbed my internet address off of this site. She is 25 with a 5.7 million dollar estate. She is in Sudan, and just sooo lonely. And I think she may have the first motorcycle Harley ever made. If this happens again, I will have to withdraw from the website for my own protection. Administrator better check on the security of this site. Or am I just wishing for security in todays world? Mike

  • #2




    • #3
      I got this from her.

      Greetings to you,
      I saw your profile email address at ( ) which interested me to contact you, so that we can know each other more better.

      And will hope to see your reply soon for the further communication.

      I await for your reply,

      I thought I was gonna git lucky. ;-)
      Be sure to visit;
      Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
      Also be sure to visit


      • #4
        I better check my email. I'm looking for early retirement and maybe Chris' girlfriend "Laraba" can help me out and point me in the right direction.
        D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


        • #5
          Those Nigerian things can't *all* be scams, right? One of them will surely pay off sooner or later...




          • #6
            PPSSSTTT Chris, just checked my mail. She is cheating on you trying to get a date from me. Must be a real floozy. Desperate too.
            D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


            • #7
              Originally posted by portagepan View Post
              She is 25 with a 5.7 million dollar estate. She is in Sudan, and just sooo lonely. And I think she may have the first motorcycle Harley ever made. If this happens again, I will have to withdraw from the website for my own protection.
              Mike, I thought maybe you were going to say you'd have to withdraw from this website and move to Sudan!
              Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.


              • #8
                If you Google her name, it is common names in Sudan, they are getting better at writing English correctly, and if it mention's this website it has to be fake, it came to both of my email accounts at the same time. no one blinds copies a friendly email.. and she went after Chris first?

                Richard Spagnolli should send her a bill @$10 for every unauthorized use of the Mailing list. I guess they are not protecting us from hackers or maybe they just hacked a board members mail list. The AMCA Directory only has one of my email addresses but Richard, Lonnie and Fred have both from our emails back and forth.

                The Plot thickens,


                • #9
                  So AMCA should send an invoice to Nigerian Ambassador to the US asking for $10 x the number of times the mailing list was used. Detail the service as "Mailing List Rental for contact of interested parties within U.S. in order to promote awareness of Nigeria among travelers and potential tourists."

                  Send the AMCA invoice to:

                  Professor Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye
                  C/O Mr. Usman Abubakar, Finance Attaché
                  Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
                  3519 International Court, NW
                  Washington, DC 20008

                  Yes, these are the real people... and it is the correct address.

                  If they ignore it... nothing lost. If they pay it. Whopee! Send more. But I give this a real shot at getting paid... just because who at an Embassy reads an official looking invoice for something like mailing list rental? They simply pay invoice at embassies. The best part is that if they send us a letter back asking for clarification or refusing to pay, we can get a ton of mileage out of it.... We'd be legendary!

                  Go on... I dares ya!




                  • #10
                    I got one as well on the 14th.
                    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


                    • #11
                      In reality "she" is a fat guy with a sweaty undershirt smoking a cigar in a dimly lit cubicle.
                      Rich Inmate #7084


                      • #12
                        DANG IT: I just sold all my bikes and was ready to fly out and meet the woman of my dreams
                        Life is so cruel.


                        • #13
                          This new world is a laugh a minute if it doesn't kill ya. Now if I could just get that crossover pipe cover for the 65..........


                          • #14
                            If I reply to all the spammers, I'd have great hair, tight abs, be rich and have a huge ........

                            Love it. People DO reply to the Nigerian scam.
                            Dan Margolien
                            Yankee Chapter National Meet July 31/August 1 2020 at the TERRYVILLE Fairgounds, Terryville CT.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DanM View Post
                              If I reply to all the spammers, I'd have great hair, tight abs, be rich and have a huge ........

                              Love it. People DO reply to the Nigerian scam.
                              I've seen you Dan. You are lying..... Kinda like me saying I got abs.
                              D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh

