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Stunt film footage - ladder trick!

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  • Stunt film footage - ladder trick!

    Well, I'm kinda excited. Looks like I may get to borrow some original film footage of Reg Shanks doing the ladder stunt, from the group leader who was in charge during the earily 50's. Said he would show me how they hooked it all up. He's got some great stories of stunting action and a few mistakes that were made in the process of discovery. Hee-hee.

    Ladder stunt goes something like this. Bike runs on flat, ladder attached vertically. Rider climbs up a couple steps while in motion and does a cross pose, and some other tricks. Sounds easy -doesn't it! Well.... I may be crazy enough to try it. We'll see. I'll post a few stills from the film. Apparently he's got some other really great footage as well. So I'll keep you informed.

    I love film - got any of M/C stunts? Get the stories written down NOW!

    Two gear heads introduced at a two step lesson -of all places! We got in a bit of trouble as our attention was quickly diverted away from the ladies and the dance floor. Oh well...