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Motorcycles: Cycle Logic, Cycle Safety - 1967

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  • Motorcycles: Cycle Logic, Cycle Safety - 1967

    I thought this may interest a few folks. Plus, you generator Shovel nuts outta enjoy the CHP bikes.

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    Good show, Cory! Jolly good!
    Back when I was a kid, (a farm kid, I learned to ride a bike so I could chase cows!), on TV they always showed a little public address message that showed a profile of a driver's eye, looking sideways, and the audio message: WATCH OUT FOR THE OTHER GUY. Never see that anymore, and I think it's badly missed.

    Another comment/question: I'd always thought that riding in the left-hand 1/3 of your lane was taught, but this guy rides where-ever he deems most advantageous with respect to "being seen". Now I have to find the rider's handbook to see what they say.

    What I hate most about intersections is when a cornfield growing right up to the corner restricts your ability to watch out for that other guy, possibly an ex-governor and current congressman who is speeding through his stop sign. Fatality waiting to happen.


    • #3
      The fact that the USAF felt the need to make that PSA is interesting... how many trained airmen were they losing due to MC accidents in the 1960's?

      Fascinating... just fascinating.

      Thanks for posting!!!



      P.S. The McDonalds sign is awesome...
      Last edited by sirhrmechanic; 04-18-2014, 05:03 PM.

