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Prairie Chapter

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  • Prairie Chapter

    Saw in the Board Minutes there was some discussion of Prairie Chapter but no details. Would hate to see any more chapters leave. Anyone know what it is about? Shelby, membership director, Cherokee Chapter

  • #2
    Shelby and All. After an extended period of inactivity, Prairie Chapter, has reorganized. Elections of new officers was held recently. Contact information will be updated on the AMCA web site soon and in The Antique Motorcycle with the next edition. Interested parties should contact, Joe Minasola, Prairie Chapter, President, at 815-277-7168 or
    It is my hope that the reorganized Prairie Chapter will be able to grow their membership and provide members in the Chicagoland area with opportunities to enjoy their old bikes and the fellowship others with a common interest. Best regards, Fred.
    Fred Davis AMCA #9176


    • #3
      The same AMCA Board minutes you reference also report a Charter approved for the new Mountain State Chapter in West Virginia and a first step approval of the application of the new Music City Chapter in Nashville TN. Other groups in New York and Arkansas have also expressed an interest in forming a new AMCA Chapter. The revitalization of the Prairie Chapter is a example that AMCA members want to remain a part of the Club to socialize and spread the word about our hobby/sport.
      Executive Director, John Cerilli, will be devoting much of his time encouraging existing AMCA members to form new Chapters in areas of the USA and yes, around the world, that don't have Chapter representation. John will also try to reach those old bike enthusiasts who don't know about the AMCA and encourage them to join the fun and camaraderie the ANCA has to offer.
      Shelby, thanks to you and the efforts of the Cherokee Chapter membership to expand the reach of your Chapter throughout Texas and surrounding states. This is an example of how a small effort by a few dedicated people can have a large impact on a Chapter's membership and in turn on the AMCA.
      Richard Spagnolli
      AMCA #6153


      • #4
        Thanks Fred, Glad to hear they are back on track, When I first started Vending at Wauseon in the 1990's, they were the Chapter putting it on, and Wauseon was always one of the two Best National Meets in the Mid-US. The evolution or change of Chapters running this meet in the mid 2000's was smooth from a vendors point of view and in my judgment Wauseon is still one of the best run meets. Health reasons prevented me from attending the last 2 years but I still plan on returning to my spots 2014. Shelby


        • #5
          Thanks Richard, I did notice the new pending Chapters, and have invited John to attend our April Road Run. I also talked with Mike Thomson about events in Arkansas at our Christmas Party. Our Elections were held, we have a new President, Steve Klein, Vice President Greg McFarland, Treasurer, JoAnn Kugle and Secretary, Emily Hudkins. Our Chapter voted to continue the course we charted last year to turn the chapter around, and with great pride I was awarded "Member of the Year" for my efforts on Cherokee Chapters behalf. We are closing in on 125 members by January 1, up from 48 last year.

          See my reply to Fred on interest in Prairie Chapter.


          • #6
            Who can I contact about membership in the Music City Chapter?
            Thanks, Bob
            Bob Selph
            1933VC/1934LT Sidecar
            1940 Sport Scout


            • #7
              Board Member Donnie Eatherly is spearheading the new Music City Chapter effort. His contact information:
              Thanks for your interest in this new Chapter.
              Richard Spagnolli
              AMCA #6153


              • #8
                Thank you Richard!
                Bob Selph
                1933VC/1934LT Sidecar
                1940 Sport Scout

