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AMCA Hires New Executive Director

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  • #76
    Sorry in advance for the rambling for those who draw weary after the first paragraph. You are the recipient of an all day rain.

    I have been watching the conversations with interest. Being a newcomer to AMCA, I have no preconceived notions, bias or agenda and will add perspective from a newby in the bleachers.
    As a long time member of similar old car related forums and clubs as well as serving on a board of trustees including president, I have seen my share of member/management disagreements aired on the forum. The overwhelming majority of members reading do not have enough facts to make a sound judgment decision and often end up being mislead directly or by their own incorrect perception of the issue. Often there are factors going on in the background driving decisions of a Board and they can’t possibly be put into an easily comprehensible post on a forum for the average uninformed viewer. It simply isn’t a useful or constructive method conducive to progress, not to mention it can alienate potential new members that are visiting.

    I find AMCA to be more transparent than many organizations of its type. Board meeting minutes, financial statements including descriptive notes so the novice can interpret them. Direct contact to the Board is easily accessible. Board positions have 3 year term limits and are voted in by membership. With a 3 year rotation it is unlikely a Board in a club this size could become elite autonomists as noted in another post.
    In under two years as a member, AMCA has exceeded my expectations. 4 to 6 issues of the magazine and my already low dues rate didn't go up as well as awesome well run meets I attended in Jefferson and Oley and the expanding virtual library with free downloads. This type of continuous improvement is not typically a product of a self serving management. If it is, keep it coming!

    As for the Executive Director position, if the elected Board of Directors say there is a need, for my measly $30/year dues I trust the volunteers fully. If it doesn’t work out as they planned I have full confidence they will make necessary adjustments.
    Jason Zerbini
    Near Pittsburgh PA (Farm Country)
    Allegheny Mountain Chapter


    • #77
      Originally posted by Skirted View Post
      Sorry in advance for the rambling for those who draw weary after the first paragraph. You are the recipient of an all day rain.

      I have been watching the conversations with interest. Being a newcomer to AMCA, I have no preconceived notions, bias or agenda and will add perspective from a newby in the bleachers.
      As a long time member of similar old car related forums and clubs as well as serving on a board of trustees including president, I have seen my share of member/management disagreements aired on the forum. The overwhelming majority of members reading do not have enough facts to make a sound judgment decision and often end up being mislead directly or by their own incorrect perception of the issue. Often there are factors going on in the background driving decisions of a Board and they can’t possibly be put into an easily comprehensible post on a forum for the average uninformed viewer. It simply isn’t a useful or constructive method conducive to progress, not to mention it can alienate potential new members that are visiting.

      I find AMCA to be more transparent than many organizations of its type. Board meeting minutes, financial statements including descriptive notes so the novice can interpret them. Direct contact to the Board is easily accessible. Board positions have 3 year term limits and are voted in by membership. With a 3 year rotation it is unlikely a Board in a club this size could become elite autonomists as noted in another post.
      In under two years as a member, AMCA has exceeded my expectations. 4 to 6 issues of the magazine and my already low dues rate didn't go up as well as awesome well run meets I attended in Jefferson and Oley and the expanding virtual library with free downloads. This type of continuous improvement is not typically a product of a self serving management. If it is, keep it coming!

      As for the Executive Director position, if the elected Board of Directors say there is a need, for my measly $30/year dues I trust the volunteers fully. If it doesn’t work out as they planned I have full confidence they will make necessary adjustments.
      You kept my interest from start to finish with all the emotional mis-statements of fact, the fact that you said you were new to the AMCA allows for me to cut you some slack. You are aware that the AMCA is goverened by a Closed Board of a private corporation? Board members must be AMCA members, but no AMCA members gets to vote on who is on the board. Anyone joining the board must be approved by majority of sitting board members. Only the Board chooses/votes its officers. The National Board is completely different from the chapters.

      Chapters have officers and board members voted in by their members if that is the way their bylaws are set. I know of no one in our chapter that would allow the Chapter to be run in the manner of the national board without members input and vote. On a rainy day I would recommend you read the Policy and Procedures manual posted on AMCA website, then read the versions before latest changes made in March to see what changed. Also the Florida not for profit statutes are a good read, if you are truly interested in how the AMCA is required to be run.

      Some of these differences today go back many years and have caused a cautious mistrust of those in power, regardless of their name or position.

      You are right in saying this is a good club overall, which is why it is still alive today. Shelby AMCA#7618, Membership Director, Cherokee Chapter.

