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The Great Motorcycle Race

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  • The Great Motorcycle Race

    Sirhr brought up one of my favorite episodes of the Waltons. You'll see that side car rig almost right off the bat!

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    used to really like that program, never saw that one though. Cool Cory.


    • #3
      That was a great episode. I vagely remember seeing that one but never would have recalled had you not posted it. How refreshing it was to watch compared to all the garbage on TV today.
      I came in to work early to get some extra things done but once I started watching it to see the bike, I couldn't stop and watched the whole thing. Thanks for posting Cory! That Jim-Bob hes our kind of kid huh. Wonder if he rides today or it was all just for the show.
      Jason Zerbini
      Near Pittsburgh PA (Farm Country)
      Allegheny Mountain Chapter


      • #4
        Originally posted by Skirted View Post
        That was a great episode. I vagely remember seeing that one but never would have recalled had you not posted it. How refreshing it was to watch compared to all the garbage on TV today.
        I came in to work early to get some extra things done but once I started watching it to see the bike, I couldn't stop and watched the whole thing. Thanks for posting Cory! That Jim-Bob hes our kind of kid huh. Wonder if he rides today or it was all just for the show.

        Don't know if he rides... a bit of Google Fu shows that he left acting, keeps a low profile, but participates in "Waltons" reunions and special events. He is an artist and art dealer in California.




        • #5
          That was great! Some of the bikes in the race were a little newer but all in the 40's or older (I think the show is supposed to take place in the mid 30's) and hell there were Knuckleheads racing and crashing! Excellent!


          • #6
            The sidecar used in the Waltons was owned by Bud Ekins. Both Bud and George Dockstader had stables full of old bikes used by the movie industry. Bud bought out a lot of Floyd Chriswell's movie rental stuff after his death.
            Often in old movies you will see a Knuck cop bike with chrome Hollywood bars on it. That was Floyd's bike that I purchased after his passing. :-)
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            • #7
              Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
              The sidecar used in the Waltons was owned by Bud Ekins. Both Bud and George Dockstader had stables full of old bikes used by the movie industry. Bud bought out a lot of Floyd Chriswell's movie rental stuff after his death.
              Often in old movies you will see a Knuck cop bike with chrome Hollywood bars on it. That was Floyd's bike that I purchased after his passing. :-)

              Was one of the bikes in "Code Two" that knuck? Cheesy movie, but worth watching for the LAPD motorcycle training from the '40's




              • #8
                I've always been a fan of the Waltons. Jason, your right about how "refreshing" programs like this are and yes Jim-Bob is our kind of kid. I'm kinda partial to Grandpa too. Sorry if I had anything to do with your "extra" stuff not getting done this morning I'm glad all you fellas enjoyed the show as much as I did.
                Cory Othen

