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active AMCA members from ontario canada please respond

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Milrite View Post
    Names huh? Being as how we are dealing with historic bikes, I was thinking something historic for a name....
    Before confederation this area was known as the Province of Ontario, it doesn't really roll of the tongue!
    Our official bird is, not surprisingly, the common loon. So the Loonie Chapter?!? Perhaps not.... because inevitably we would at some point have to contend with a "twoonie" chapter from elsewhere in the country and would become confusing for those not intimately familiar with our currency.
    If we reach further back in the area history, we will be dealing with fur trading, and do we really want anybody equating us with baby seal hunters? Or, because the biggest of our fur exports historically were beavers.... do I even need to go there?
    On second thought, I can see the historic lead is going nowhere, time to rethink this a little....
    If you're thinking historical why not...... The Upper Canada Chapter


    • #17
      Originally posted by shelbyinparadise View Post
      Why back track? It is 'their book". After giving me the list for nearby States and then seeing that they could not control what a Chapter might say using the list to contact potential AMCA members without a Local Chapter, They changed the Rules to censor me and our recruitment efforts. We refuse to send out something edited by this Board in our name, Texas Members can Speak for themselves without using the list. We will hit 200 Members soon by word of mouth, friend to friend, and by setting a good example of how to Run a Chapter and still have Fun Doing It.

      With the success we had with the "Meet and Greet" Reach Out Approach the Cherokee Chapter adopted, We saw how the Board copied us at Barber setting up across from us, even took down our Road Run Poster after we traveled 800 miles to attend as guests of the Confederate Chapter to promote the Kerrville National Road Run as well as the Cannon Ball 3. Over 12 of our Chapter members will be riders or support crew members in September. Non AMCA event same as Barber, go where the people are to find new members.

      Very little Credit (except from Fred Davis) for the Chapters work in growing x 3 in one year, from 38 to 140 in 12 months, but they say their program is the Bee's Knees as long as they can review your wording, all about control. Shelby
      Perhaps it would be better to refrain from comment and going on (and on) and moaning about something that went on in Texas (and elsewhere) between a Chapter and AMCA National officials and let Dave Brander (AKA Hawg) and his fellow Canadians deal with Fred Davis and the AMCA board on the establishment of an AMCA Chapter in the province of Ontario. In my understanding, there are 3 Western Canadian AMCA Chapters in British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba and there were no particular problems or issues involving their establishment or operations such as seem to have arisen elsewhere.
      (AMCA member since 1977, Canadian since 1940)


      • #18
        I totally agree with the efforts our neighbors to the north are trying to do, over such a large area, slightly larger than Texas I believe. These issues of how to bring together AMCA members together in such a large area, in my opinion, are vastly different than a small densely area, and these people have a very short Riding season, so a Social Chapter spread over common interests is best left to those involved.

        I believe most people agree National policies are guidelines to be modified to fit special needs of the Chapters, one size does not always fit all. Fred Davis gets high marks from Chapters working with him on Details. I still am a huge supporter of the AMCA as a 10,000+ member Antique Motorcycle Social club. Shelby


        • #19
          Originally posted by cdndewey View Post
          If you're thinking historical why not...... The Upper Canada Chapter
          That sounds pretty darn good to me!
          AMCA 17907


          • #20
            Laurentian and Algonquin just occurred to me...
            Cory Othen


            • #21
              Originally posted by c.o. View Post
              Laurentian and Algonquin just occurred to me...
              thanks cory these ones will be added to the list

              aka HAWG
              1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
              1940 indian chief military
              1965 sportster xlch
              1969 sportster xlch bobber
              1971 bsa A65 chopper
              1969 harley ss350 sprint
              1960 harley topper
              1963 harley topper
              H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
              H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
              1949 harley model 125 bobber project
              1959 harley model 165
              1960 harley super 10
              1974 indian 70cc dirt bike


              • #22
                Originally posted by cdndewey View Post
                If you're thinking historical why not...... The Upper Canada Chapter
                this one is already on a short list thanks
                1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                1940 indian chief military
                1965 sportster xlch
                1969 sportster xlch bobber
                1971 bsa A65 chopper
                1969 harley ss350 sprint
                1960 harley topper
                1963 harley topper
                H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                1959 harley model 165
                1960 harley super 10
                1974 indian 70cc dirt bike


                • #23
                  Originally posted by aka HAWG View Post
                  thanks cory these ones will be added to the list

                  aka HAWG
                  Was going to mention St. Lawrence as well but thought you probably might already have that one.
                  Cory Othen


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by c.o. View Post
                    Was going to mention St. Lawrence as well but thought you probably might already have that one.

                    no one has mentioned that one - added to list

                    thanks again cory

                    aka HAWG
                    1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                    1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                    1940 indian chief military
                    1965 sportster xlch
                    1969 sportster xlch bobber
                    1971 bsa A65 chopper
                    1969 harley ss350 sprint
                    1960 harley topper
                    1963 harley topper
                    H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                    H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                    1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                    1959 harley model 165
                    1960 harley super 10
                    1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                    EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD


                    • #25
                      No problem Dave. I'm kind of excited about this new chapter. Any plans for a newsletter or some such thing down the line?
                      Cory Othen


                      • #26
                        Another idea...... Seaway Chapter


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by c.o. View Post
                          No problem Dave. I'm kind of excited about this new chapter. Any plans for a newsletter or some such thing down the line?
                          let me get the ball rolling faster on this adventure. a few we have talked to are interested in a swap meet as well as a road run, but yes i'd hope some sort of comunication will be brought forward - just need someone to step up to do it

                          cori just sent a pm to you

                          aka HAWG
                          Last edited by aka HAWG; 05-02-2014, 07:05 AM.
                          1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                          1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                          1940 indian chief military
                          1965 sportster xlch
                          1969 sportster xlch bobber
                          1971 bsa A65 chopper
                          1969 harley ss350 sprint
                          1960 harley topper
                          1963 harley topper
                          H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                          H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                          1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                          1959 harley model 165
                          1960 harley super 10
                          1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                          EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by cdndewey View Post
                            Another idea...... Seaway Chapter
                            added to list thanks
                            1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                            1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                            1940 indian chief military
                            1965 sportster xlch
                            1969 sportster xlch bobber
                            1971 bsa A65 chopper
                            1969 harley ss350 sprint
                            1960 harley topper
                            1963 harley topper
                            H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                            H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                            1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                            1959 harley model 165
                            1960 harley super 10
                            1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                            EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD


                            • #29
                              It was very nice meeting you and your wife at Oley. Wow! Such enthusiasm for your proposed new Chapter. With enthusiastic Members like you and your group planning a new AMCA Chapter in Canada, I think the future of the AMCA is on solid ground. I sent your application letter with all the required signatures on to Fred Davis for processing. With all the suggestions for a Chapter name, it won't be long before your group choses a name and moves on to the next step in the process. AFJ on this thread is from Canada and is very knowledgeable about how to incorporate your Chapter in Ontario. He may be able to help you with the next step. As John Cerilli stated, please feel free to call or e mail him or Fred Davis is you have any questions about your proposed new Chapter. Thanks for your interest and enthusiasm.
                              Richard Spagnolli
                              AMCA #6153


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Spag View Post
                                With all the suggestions for a Chapter name, it won't be long before your group choses a name and moves on to the next step in the process. AFJ on this thread is from Canada and is very knowledgeable about how to incorporate your Chapter in Ontario. He may be able to help you with the next step.
                                Information on Ontario not-for-profit incorporation has been sent.

