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Pre-War motorcycle meeting in Germany

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  • Pre-War motorcycle meeting in Germany

    For those of you, who are not member of the Facebook AMCA Group, i also post here the link to my Blog with a story and lots of pics of the Pre-War-Motorcycle Meeting "Rund um Bad Münstereifel" last weekend. Link to a web album is at the very end of the report. 200 Motorcycles were attending the 100 miles tour on Saturday although the weather was not very favourable. I think you will not find anywehre else more different motorcycle brands than in this meeting. From Ardie to Zenith - all were there. My Super X was running (and breaking) fine despite the rain and wet road conditions.

    >>Rund um Bad Münstereifel<<


    PS To avoid confusion: The war started in Germany in 1939....
    AMCA Member #16550
    My Blog

  • #2
    What picturesque riding country! I always look forward to your reports and photos Thomas.
    Cory Othen


    • #3
      Dear All, let me emphasise how keen our German members are on old bikes in general and American bikes in particular. Please note the review of three excellent books by German members in the current AMCA magazine.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
        Dear All, let me emphasise how keen our German members are on old bikes in general and American bikes in particular.
        ....and even on 97.5 pts AMCA judged bikes..... Thks Steve for the compliments for the german riders.

        AMCA Member #16550
        My Blog

