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The final kick in the teeth!

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  • The final kick in the teeth!

    Well we got our new trucks and licked our wounds from the flood and where moving forward. Sounds like a happy ending don't it? Anything could be further from the truth. Got home last night (Friday) to find five envelopes from my insurance company laying on my desk. We are officially dumped! The final kick in the teeth! Ever wonder why news like this shows up on Friday night so you can pounder it all damm weekend and can't do a thing about it. I never had a claim with Liberty Mutual until the flood. I paid these ground feeders $44 grand last year. Their reasoning for dumping me was that one of their underwriters found excessive hidden risk on my web site. SAY WHAT! I'm the friendly air conditioning man for crying out loud. What possible risk could I pose. You mean to tell me of the millions of insured this company has, their analyst managed to single out my web site from all the others to find hidden risk? I got the funny feeling that Liberty Mutual dumped every policy holder in this flood zone. Using any cheap shot they could to pull it off. I really feel that small business is the only thing keeping America's pulse pumping right now. First we have a government that doesn't listen to the people and now an insurance industry that wants to exist without assuming any risk. There, I'm done blowing off steam. Looks like it's going to be a weekend of rubbing Beagle Beagle's belly to keep my blood pressure at a manageable level. Thanks for listening AAAGGG! Bob L
    AMCA #3149

  • #2
    That is awful ...and I thought I had troubles. You may have a state insurance commissioner that you can register a complaint with. Use google to look on the internet.
    Bill Gilbert in Oregon


    • #3
      Bob, hate to hear of your troubles. Now you know how we feel down here in Florida. Anyone who has lived on the coast within ten miles of the ocean or gulf was dumped and most of the companies left the state. My final insult was last weekend, when the most violent microburst ever recorded in our area tore off part of my roof. Wind was an instantaneous 100mph and was not a tornado. We had survived every name storm, etc, for over thirty years until this. The insurance now is a 5% deductable, but is not based on the cost of damages. It is now based on home value, so, we get to eat 40-50,000 out of pocket. That's a lot of antique bike parts I won't be buying, but thankfully, none of that stuff was damaged. Marty


      • #4
        guess the Ins. commissioner would nt let them triple your rates so this will be the fix. not to this extent, but been there. things have been upside down for some time in this NEW USA. and you are right. what has come back to helping the economy is not do to any thing from Washington or any pos politician its do to the worker ants. always has been always will be. luck to you..


        • #5
          We did fill out the complaint sheet last night on the insurance commissioner's web site. It's not getting dumped that's got me so pissed off. I'll find another underwriter. It's not the end of the world. What's got me gnawing at the bone is the reason we were dumped. It's got sleaze written all over it. I'm talking the stench of a yeast infection here!
          AMCA #3149


          • #6
            bob you got dumped because you use your name here. your insurance company googled you. they found out you hate ever form of person and own guns!
            rob ronky #10507


            • #7
              Sorry to hear that Bob. Like Marty said about Florida insurance; it not insurance. . . It's government approved, legal extortion. State Farm is a company I will never give another penny to.
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #8
                Bob, gota be like me, pay 250-300 per yr. for ins and they don't drop you then. Had a million plus pay-out and they didn't send me packin. Yet, anyhow. They are still ahead. By far.
                Last edited by D.A.Bagin; 03-30-2013, 03:45 PM.
                D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                • #9

                  I, too, was dropped after a claim.
                  It seems so illogical for them to discard any chance of recouping the loss from further premiums.

                  Meanwhile, these insurance companies continue to spend upon advertizing for more policy holders.

                  Their benevolent commercials ring hollow.

                  Last edited by T. Cotten; 03-30-2013, 03:57 PM.
                  AMCA #776
                  Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                  • #10
                    The rich get richer the poor ride for free and the middle man pays for it all.


                    • #11
                      after 911 my comm rate for garage keepers ins went from 35 hundred to 7 thousand (no claims) and stayed higher for several years until ins co recovered there losses .i never even saw the world trade center they are in a no lose situation if something bad happens up go the rates hard to live without hard to live with good luck finding new deal paul bergeron minot maine 7989


                      • #12
                        bob i would dump them monday before the policy ends. make them give you a refund
                        rob ronky #10507


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rwm View Post
                          bob i would dump them monday before the policy ends. make them give you a refund
                          from my experience there is usually some form of penalty for early cancellation. "By the balls" ring a bell?
                          What gets me is the political speak for lower taxes for businesses. Sure, lower taxes are always appreciated, but taxes are a small fraction of insurance expenses. I don't believe our politicians have sufficiently experienced the businessman's liability side of the page to legislate on our behalf (at out peril!).

                          Mother Nature is much kinder to us here in the midwest. I feel for you guys on the coast. Hang tough, somehow.

