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Winter Fun!!!

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  • Winter Fun!!!

    That Hollywood lives the life now don't he??? Good on ya man!!!
    Cory Othen

  • #2
    Winter? Aww Cory, riding in that white stuff? BRRRRRR.........

    In Hawaii, that means big waves and I mean BIG WAVES!

    Yesterday the missus and I took the 39 up around the North Shore. No snow, but plenty of salt.

    We had to ride the white line along the berm about 5 miles to escape the red snake parking lot from Haleiwa to Waimea Bay. Lots of tourists in town, a carny like atmosphere when the surf hits the north shore of Oahu.

    The usual suspects were out catching waves that looked like they were about 25' or so. The newspaper said 30' but it was not enough to make the Eddie go off which requires huge serious surf to be considered "it's on".

    Here is video link of riders, waves and more WAVES

    We ended up doing a circle the island ride. THe road headed west had another red snake on the road going as slow as ever.

    Over the last several days the missus and I have put well over 1,000 miles total on both bikes. The riding has been astoundingly pleasant, the cool of the evenings in the mountains remind me of autumn nights in Ohio. This AM going outside for the paper, it is like a summer morning in Ohio.

    Have a PT appointment, will be cleaning the Knuck of the salt and treating it for corrosion and getting ready for our New Years assault on our favorite spots around the island on the 39. The riding has not left me much time on my 47 build, which I will be posting info here soon.

    For all of you in the cold and snow, flights depart daily to Hawaii!


    • #3

      This was snapped a couple of days ago next town over. He'es become a facebook Phenomena here in VT. WPD pulled him for erratic operation, but no citations were issued. Control was an issue on that day... roads were icy as heck.

      Back story is that he has cancer and is trying to get in a few more miles before he goes. A local dealer, Wilkins HD, has been in touch with WPD and has offered to provide chase/support riders or trucks any time (within reason ie. not in another blizzard!) for the gentleman any time he wants to ride in the winter.

      I've BTDT in the snow with my old XT Yamaha... but I was an invincible teenager. And a couple of years ago, got stuck on a high pass in Yellowstone trying to get to the Hot Springs Lodge when we got 2 inches of ice pellets in less than an hour. Unbelieveable conditions. We limped our two dressers 20 miles into the lodge in conditions that were just terrifying. It can be done... but there are better ways to go on last rides. In dry winter weather, however... game on. Except for the salt and the fact that my 1/2 mile driveway is snow (or mud) until thaw.

      Wilkins, BTW, gives a prize each year to the rider who shows up first after Jan 1. Same guy usually wins it.


      Last edited by sirhrmechanic; 12-31-2012, 04:37 PM.


      • #4
        I should add that I never outgrew my cold weather riding fetish...

        These are from my trip last spring to Nordkapp, Norway on a 1991 BMW Dakar.

        day 5 arctic circle 2.jpg
        Crossing the Arctic Circle. It's June 19th. And about 40 degrees out. Riding Norway is unbelieveable. Within a few miles, you go from t-shirt weather into snow and back again as you cross the Fjords. But best roads I've ever ridden.

        greetings 2.jpg
        Nordkapp, Norway. Northern-most road in the world (That is still connected to the rest of the world.) About 200 miles to Murmansk... which is South and East of Nordkapp.

        Nordkapp again. Longest day of the year. According to my log, 33 degrees at its warmest. But great sun that one day.

        And this is from the trip where we got stuck in Yellowstone... crossing the Slumgullion on May 13th. Bit early, turned out. There were 8 foot snowbanks through much of the pass. And it snowed (dry dust) all the way up.) But what a memory!
        gunnison slum.jpg

        I'll take riding in the cold over riding through Death Valley (again) any time. I can always add layers.




        • #5
          And this is from the trip where we got stuck in Yellowstone... crossing the Slumgullion on May 13th. Bit early, turned out. There were 8 foot snowbanks through much of the pass. And it snowed (dry dust) all the way up.) But what a memory!
          Slumgullion is in Southwest Colorado, and quite a distance to Yellowstone from there.
          Robbie Knight Amca #2736


          • #6
            Yup... we started that trip in Colorado Springs where I got to tour Cheyanne Mountain (my college roommate was a senior officer at the base so got the double secret probation inside tour...)

            arrivals cheyanne best group final.jpg

            We then went to the Dunes monument and up to Gunnison, Black Canyon and Flaming Gorge Resort (which, for the record, is one of the biggest sh**holes I have ever had the displeasure of visiting. I think I got a case of pants-rabbits from the mattress). Then Jackson Hole via Dinosaur Monument, Yellowstone, Cody, Devils Tower, Little Bighorn and into Sturgis. Left my dresser there for the summer and came back in the fall to ride down to Visalia via Sun Valley, UT, Death Valley and Vegas then did Sequoia, Yosemite, Carson City and Reno. One of the best tours ever! Only thing I wanted to do but couldn't was visit the Nevada Test Site. It's closed to tourists. And though I stayed in Pahrump, I did not visit any 'Ranches." About 4 weeks of riding in two traunches. Awesome trip!




            • #7
              Good on the fellow for riding as much as he can, cold weather or not. My New Years wish for him to to be able to live for many more years and ride everday he can.

              This is a reminder that life is too short for all of us and to enjoy the gift of life each day as it comes.

              As far as cold weather riding is concerned, my wife and I've been known to escape the tropical Hawaii days to enjoy foot draging and ice.

              Of how I revel in the fun when I can. Frankly though when the hands go numb and the feet soon follow, pining for Hawaii's warmth while riding in the cold grabs hold and has it's ways with me.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Mmmmm.... A ride in Hawaii sounds pretty good.... the only problem with that is the woodstove would go out and I'd come home to a frozen house!!! Enjoy that sun for all of us would ya???
                Cory Othen

