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Arlington Texas Swapmeet and Bike Show

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  • Arlington Texas Swapmeet and Bike Show

    Arlington Texas Swapmeet and Bike Show
    The Cherokee Chapter of the AMCA will have a "Meet and Greet" booth at the Arlington Texas Swapmeet where we will be signing up members to the AMCA as well as the Texas Cherokee Chapter. This will be a good chance for those enthusists in the North Texas area to get together, Arlington Convention Center, 1200 Ballpark Way, Dec. 30, 2012, 8am to 4pm. Contact Foot 817-275-6101 or

  • #2
    Shelby, Why don't you start a north texas chapter and leave the Cherokee chapter alone. I was a member of the now defunct Tejas chapter. I don't recall you supporting that chapter. As a member of the Cherokee Chapter, past board member, chapter secretary and newsletter editor, I have not seen you at one of our events in the past several years or more. There must be a financial benefit in this for you. I think that you using the Cherokee Chapter as a front to put on swap meets through out Texas. This is not what the chapter is about? I have been calling some of the older members and they are not in favor of some your ideas. Texas is big enough to support several chapters on its own. Enuff said.
    Ken Kalustian
    amca #2065


    • #3
      It appears to me that Shelby is trying to re-kindle some interest in OUR sport with whatever it takes. That's more than most folks in the area are doing. If the Cherokee Chapter needs a shot in the arm, so be it. And maybe a new chapter is in order. I want to associate with people who have some of the same interests as I do and since moving here 14 months ago, that's not happening. Frustrating.
      But I'm just the new guy, what do I know?
      Rich Inmate #7084


      • #4
        Originally posted by longhorn View Post
        Shelby, Why don't you start a north texas chapter and leave the Cherokee chapter alone. I was a member of the now defunct Tejas chapter. I don't recall you supporting that chapter. As a member of the Cherokee Chapter, past board member, chapter secretary and newsletter editor, I have not seen you at one of our events in the past several years or more. There must be a financial benefit in this for you. I think that you using the Cherokee Chapter as a front to put on swap meets through out Texas. This is not what the chapter is about? I have been calling some of the older members and they are not in favor of some your ideas. Texas is big enough to support several chapters on its own. Enuff said.
        Ken Kalustian
        amca #2065
        I really do not know how to begin to respond to your dribble. Having just survived colon cancer surgery this year, the first time I drove a car was to a meeting about forming a local chapter in North Texas again, at the request of AMCA and Cherokee members in this area. It was voted on by the 8 in attendence, to go speak with the Cherokee Chapter at their Christmas dinner / chapter meeting for their input. The second time I drove our car was to attend that meeting 250 miles away from my Ranch. Several people spoke to the group present, all but one agreed that it made more sence to revive intrest in Texas area Cherokee Chapter than for us to start a new one. John Nixon directed the meeting and formed a workgroup of 4 officers to develope chapter website, and the North Texas members volenteered our time to have a "Meet and Greet" booth at the Arlington Texas Swapmeet for the benefit of the National and Local AMCA

        I strongly disapprove of your inference that I have any involvement with Texas swapmeets except as a Vendor of many years. Florida yes, Texas NO. In all the years I had a shop in Arlington in the late 60's & 70's, I was involved as a vendor from California to Florida, from New York to Canyon City, was a member of MidWest Antique Motorcycle club, MVCC, AMCA Sunshine and Gulf Coast Chapters. Over half of my 66 years I have vended in Florida and only became involved with Eustis Swapmeet this year to preserve a location many Vendors did not want to leave.

        To rewrite history like you are doing is laughable, Several new officers were elected at the Cherokee Meeting and I am proud to be one of them, and in my retirement from wearing out trucks and both me and my wife's health, dragging parts around the country, I for one am looking ahead at having an active antique motorcycle club in Texas.

        Please feel free to come visit the improved Cherokee Chapter, but please P*ss on someone elses Post Toastys if you do not have your facts straight. Shelby


        • #5
          [QUOTE=longhorn;126939]Shelby, Why don't you start a north texas chapter and leave the Cherokee chapter alone. I was a member of the now defunct Tejas chapter. I don't recall you supporting that chapter. As a member of the Cherokee Chapter, past board member, chapter secretary and newsletter editor, I have not seen you at one of our events in the past several years or more. There must be a financial benefit in this for you. I think that you using the Cherokee Chapter as a front to put on swap meets through out Texas. This is not what the chapter is about? I have been calling some of the older members and they are not in favor of some your ideas. Texas is big enough to support several chapters on its own. Enuff said.
          Ken Kalustian

          Unnecessary Negativity.... or Proof of Staus Quo?

          To all AMCA Members that had to read this unfortunate posting.

          Ken Kalustian's posting is an ill-spirited, misinformed hip shot. Ken was not in attendance at the December meeting and his information was simply not what was talked about and voted on by our members. (Ken, you know I am a straight shooter and you walked into this one with a slingshot. I still consider you an asset to the AMCA and our sport, and a friend if you wish to remain such, but you will also get my vote at this time for the most negative AMCA member I have ever met.) Negative does not accomplish anything sir.

          The Cherokee Chapter was contacted by a group of enthusiasts from North Texas about their potential interest in starting another AMCA Chapter. Our Chapter invited them to our Annual Christmas Dinner and Meeting to talk further. Here is what happened at the meeting......

          After conducting other business at hand, President John Nixon asked that I take the floor. I asked our members if they wished to remain the same size chapter, with the same (stagnation) level of events trying to get accompished by the same size and tired officers and membership? Or did they wish to try to become more visible, attempt to attract more new members with enthusiasm, and plan and do more successful events? The reply was unanimous to try to improve all areas. It was suggested that we needed a website to reach out to all corners of our state and beyond and a new improved newsletter. Technology is a part of our lives and a far more effective way to get exposure and improve communication. The other issue discussed was the fact that Texas geographically is a huge state. Did it really make sense to have multiple chapters all of whom would have the same issue with only 5-10% of their members being active, or did it make more sense to just have one chapter administratively and reach out more effectively to all parts of our state? We can start by listing an active Chapter member's name, phone number and email contact for each major city and region of the state so any enthusiast in that area has someone local that they can they can call and talk to. Eventually with membership growth we can have a stronger presence in all parts of the state, have events in all areas on a rotational basis and hopefully someday have events in all parts of the state each year? It was suggested that eventually our board could be comprised of representatives from all major cities and regions or even have smaller sub-chapters? It was also suggested that we try to attend as many existing successful events that car and motorcycle enthusiasts attend so we can get the word out and be more visible. Although a bit non-traditional in some eyes, it was supported that we at least try it.

          Texas has the fastest growing population and job growth of any state. All major metro areas such as Dallas / Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Houston as well as many other large regional population centers are all growing. With all this growth there simply is no reason that we cannot be far more successful in reaching out to existing enthusiasts and those that will come that simply have no idea that The AMCA or our chapter is even in existance. It just takes a calculated, strategic and systematic effort to accomplish such.

          Elections were also held. At Ken's previous suggestion to President Nixon, I was nominated to replace Ken as Secretary and Newsletter Editor. The floor was opened for nominations for the board. One board member present suggested he did not wish to continue to serve. Another existing board member was up for re-election but not present. After no one in the room volunteered Greg McFarland and Shelby Withrow volunteered. Both were guests from North Texas at our meeting and both signed up as members prior to the meeting. This should further debunk the former "take-over attempt" comment from one unhappy member whose friend did not get elected? is a democrstic process and the hands were counted.

          In the two weeks following this meeting, Greg McFarland researched and designed our new website for launch soon in January we hope. He also researched and designed new t-shirts and caps to meet the expectations and input from our members. Greg is a good man, a good businessman and also rode his trusty Panhead down for the weekend. Shelby and three additional Cherokee Chapter members procurred AMCA and Cherokee brochures, membership applications and a banner to man a booth at a swap meet in the Dallas Area on December 30th to try to get the word out and find some new members. Congratulations and commendation to all for all you have accomplished in a short 2-3 weeks.

          Change can certainly be good... especially when the staus quo at present is not so good. We have far more to look forward to and be enthusiastic about than to be ill-spirited about. I sincerely and genuinely ask all AMCA members to assist us with our efforts moving forward with this new grass roots effort to build something we can all be proud of. I also look forward to scheduling another Texas Road Run as well. It has always been well-recieved and looked forward to by many from around America. Texas is a big place with a wide variety of riding from mountains, to deserts, high plains, forests and beaches. It also has a Texas Friendly population that loves motorcyclists. We would simply like to keep it that way and enhance it further.

          Please contact any of us in the future if you have any questions or can offer any help.
          All The Best in 2013... It will be a good ride!

          Steve Klein
          AMCA Member 12176
          Cherokee Chapter Secretary, Newsletter Editor
          Collector, Conservator, Enthusiast
          361.652.8300 Cell

          Steve Klein
          Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
          American Pre-teens - 1965
          AMCA Member 12176
          Cherokee Chapter President, Editor

          Georgetown, TX USA


          • #6
            Originally posted by frichie68 View Post
            It appears to me that Shelby is trying to re-kindle some interest in OUR sport with whatever it takes. That's more than most folks in the area are doing. If the Cherokee Chapter needs a shot in the arm, so be it. And maybe a new chapter is in order. I want to associate with people who have some of the same interests as I do and since moving here 14 months ago, that's not happening. Frustrating.
            But I'm just the new guy, what do I know?

            Rich... You are insightful. Shelby and many others in North Texas are simply tring to rekindle interest in the sport. You are an exact example of new enthusiasts to a region that are seeking like minded enthusiasts. Hope we all get acquainted soon.
            If you are near the Austin region ever.. Call and stop by. You are always welcome.
            Steve Klein
            Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
            American Pre-teens - 1965
            AMCA Member 12176
            Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
            Georgetown, TX USA


            • #7
              I am one of the people who stopped by to visit Shelby at the AMCA table. I do appreciate any and all help I can garner while trying to assemble a '46 EL.

              I do have a desire to learn more about restoration and hope that AMCA will help in that area. I don't want to get caught up in an attitude battle between warring factions-I get enough of that at work. My interest is to find knowledgeable and helpful folks that have a common interest.

              My bike is not destined to be judged at any competitive level, but to be enjoyed as a rider.

              Bernie Rookey
              New and green AMCA member


              • #8
                I consider Ken a very good friend & always look forward to seeing him and having our long chats. I also know Shelby & Gloria & look forward to seeing them; sorry to hear of your health concerns Shelby. Does this mean our business dealing we’ve had outstanding for 4+ years is going to be put on the back burner again? If something happens to you, will Gloria at least mail me my parts back if you’re not able to finish our deal? I still have my list of the parts you left with. I don’t appreciate being taken advantage of. For those that are squeamish about posts like this, just consider how I feel.
                P.S. If anyone else thinks Ken is the most negative, I’d say you’re wrong. He’s just cranky like a lot of us old men are, but at least he’s honest.


                • #9
                  Hello Dave, look forward to seeing you at Davenport, completing our trade, as well as a lot of my friends that we have missed at both Waseoun and Davenport. You might not have heard that Gloria was also down on her back for 6 months with a broken ankle, 8 inch plate in one leg bone and total of 9 screws in both leg bones. Before that We were among the thousands of Texas cattle ranchers that after fighting to keep our herds, feeding them all year long for two years, were forced to sell out at a loss at both ranches.

                  Both of our surgeries were three weeks apart, but they let her stay in hospital room with me since she could not walk

                  The Cherokee Christmas dinner was the first car trip for the both of us, But we expect to do two major meets this year, Davenport and Eustis.

                  Happy New Year to you and yours

                  Shelby and Gloria


                  • #10
                    David, Thank you for kind words. I have been in Chicago for the past 3 months and could not make the Cherokee chapter Christmas Party. Sorry I missed you at Davenport this year. Hope to be set up across you again this year at Wauseon. Want to wish you and your family a great 2013.

                    Ken Kalustian
                    AMCA 2065


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by frichie68 View Post
                      It appears to me that Shelby is trying to re-kindle some interest in OUR sport with whatever it takes. That's more than most folks in the area are doing. If the Cherokee Chapter needs a shot in the arm, so be it. And maybe a new chapter is in order. I want to associate with people who have some of the same interests as I do and since moving here 14 months ago, that's not happening. Frustrating.
                      But I'm just the new guy, what do I know?
                      That's exactly what Shelby wishes to do... Rekindle interest in this wonderful sport. In the last 30 days our Chapter has added 10+ new members and also some past members have returned. Sometimes a positive nudge at the grass roots level is all it takes to get some momentum going. Thank you Mr. Withrow.
                      Steve Klein
                      Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                      American Pre-teens - 1965
                      AMCA Member 12176
                      Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                      Georgetown, TX USA


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BNSONS View Post
                        I consider Ken a very good friend & always look forward to seeing him and having our long chats. I also know Shelby & Gloria & look forward to seeing them; sorry to hear of your health concerns Shelby. Does this mean our business dealing we’ve had outstanding for 4+ years is going to be put on the back burner again? If something happens to you, will Gloria at least mail me my parts back if you’re not able to finish our deal? I still have my list of the parts you left with. I don’t appreciate being taken advantage of. For those that are squeamish about posts like this, just consider how I feel.
                        P.S. If anyone else thinks Ken is the most negative, I’d say you’re wrong. He’s just cranky like a lot of us old men are, but at least he’s honest.
                        I too have always considered myself lucky to know Ken and call him a friend. I also believe friends should hold friends accountable when they step over a line whether it was pre-meditated or without appropriate forethought. We all need our friends and family for correct balance in life. "Being cranky, like a lot of old men are" is not an appropriate justification however. Negative is negative... Mean is mean. Also sir... I never ever have challenged Ken's honesty.
                        Steve Klein
                        Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                        American Pre-teens - 1965
                        AMCA Member 12176
                        Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                        Georgetown, TX USA


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by berno56 View Post
                          I am one of the people who stopped by to visit Shelby at the AMCA table. I do appreciate any and all help I can garner while trying to assemble a '46 EL.

                          I do have a desire to learn more about restoration and hope that AMCA will help in that area. I don't want to get caught up in an attitude battle between warring factions-I get enough of that at work. My interest is to find knowledgeable and helpful folks that have a common interest.

                          My bike is not destined to be judged at any competitive level, but to be enjoyed as a rider.

                          Bernie Rookey
                          New and green AMCA member
                          Welcome to our sport. There always plenty of people to help all members at anytime. Getting to know enough people is the key to knowing where to look in the network for help, information and parts. Also... There is no "warring factions" in The Cherokee Chapter. We are a very small Chapter that has only 45 days ago wished to change our direction, grow, improve and rise to new heights. Please call anytime if you need assistance sir.
                          Steve Klein
                          Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                          American Pre-teens - 1965
                          AMCA Member 12176
                          Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                          Georgetown, TX USA


                          • #14
                            Step Two of the growth is in the planning, preparation stages now. Shelby & members from Cherokee Chapter will have a booth at the Jeff Williams 2-day Swap Meet & Bike Show in Oklahoma City Feb 16 & 17 at the Fairgrounds. They will be joined by new & prospective members in a membership push. Information on riding events in Oklahoma & North Texas will be available with sign-up sheets & flyers.
                            If you want information but are unable to attend, PM Shelby Withrop and he will add you to the contact list.
                            I know the machines are here in Oklahoma, we just need to get them back on the road where they belong.
                            Don't Hide-em, Ride-em.
                            Last edited by drinner-okc; 02-02-2013, 03:27 PM. Reason: Spelling


                            • #15
                              Sorry I mis-spelled Shelby's last name. You all know it's Withrow. Since his surgery last year, his soul is really in this.
                              Also, anyone interested can PM me, here or CAImag, or the Panhead site.

