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Motorcycle Memories

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  • Motorcycle Memories

    It's Friday night and the cold winds are blowing here. So what to do? Yup... dig around on YouTube for some vintage flicks.

    This one is some spliced together home movies and is nearly a half hour long!!! If your easily distracted it may be a bit to sit through. There's some cool stuff on it though.

    Anyone know about the Royal Knights???

    Cory Othen

  • #2
    We were a lot tougher back then...
    Rich Inmate #7084


    • #3
      In the first movie, my favorite scene is at 15o minutes when the doofus does a banzai jump over the ditch. I bet he is still feeling that one.

      Neat film.



      • #4
        I got a kick out of that one too Jerry. Spinning sideways going into the jump didn't do him any good.... I liked the push 'em backwards race at 8:38!
        Cory Othen


        • #5
          Thanks for finding these!

          AMCA #6520


          • #6
            Really cool stuff. The 'Royal Knights' looked pretty classy. My dad was an 'Iron Mustang' in the mid '50's in the Detroit/Dearborn area. He had a uniform very similar, except the patch was a skull or something like that. Jacket, pants to match, looked pretty sharp. (Last saw it when I was about 10, that's been over 40 years.) My brother and I destroyed it playing with it. He talks about standing up on his panhead, getting as many guys as they could on one motorcycle and riding down Woodward or 8mile, among other things I wouldn't attempt.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jim View Post
              Thanks for finding these!
              You are most welcome!!

              Originally posted by rdillon View Post
              Really cool stuff. The 'Royal Knights' looked pretty classy. My dad was an 'Iron Mustang' in the mid '50's in the Detroit/Dearborn area. He had a uniform very similar, except the patch was a skull or something like that. Jacket, pants to match, looked pretty sharp. (Last saw it when I was about 10, that's been over 40 years.) My brother and I destroyed it playing with it. He talks about standing up on his panhead, getting as many guys as they could on one motorcycle and riding down Woodward or 8mile, among other things I wouldn't attempt.
              That's a great story! I'm glad you chimed in.

              There's a club jacket with a skull on it in this video. Does it look familiar? On second thought it's not likely to be the same as I think most of this footage is from California.

              Cory Othen


              • #8
                That's not like I remember. It was pretty elaborate, with color, (gold?) didn't have crossbones. Handlebars through the skull. That's pretty cool to me. I think there are still Iron Mustangs in Michigan. Would love to run into one from that era. Or even a picture or two....


                • #9
                  just looked at Iron Mustangs site. That skull was a horse's. What they have now is exactly as I remember.
                  Thanks again for the videos.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rdillon View Post
                    I think there are still Iron Mustangs in Michigan
                    Mustangs still have a presence in Michigan.


