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Computer/Phone call Scam Warning

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  • Computer/Phone call Scam Warning

    My daughter picked up the phone and was instantly being reamed out by someone on the other end saying something to the effect that her computer was spamming the other person’s computer from her windows account. She came into the room I was in with a very upset look on her face, she pushed the speaker and I heard the tail end of this woman berating my daughter, (broken English), I immediately hung up the phone.

    First, the caller would never know our number even if the computer was spamming. Second by immediately attacking the recipient is a great tactic as it puts the recipient (my daughter) into a position where she feels she has done something wrong and you can bet the next step by the caller would be demanding she stop the alleged spam, which she would not know how to do, so the caller would then offer to do it for her but would require personal information.

    Something similar happened to a family member last year, unfortunately she ended up giving here password and following directions which gave the caller her IP address (specific to her computer). She called me shortly after this and I had her turn off and unplug the PC until I could get to her home and seal up the hole that was now created.

    Anyway, just thought I would share, please BEWARE and be assured that you would not be getting a call like this and NEVER give out your password.

    BTW, I have recently seen a lot of messages supposedly from Microsoft or other companies threatening to close my email account if I did not provide passwords etc, again its all BS! Just ignore, don’t even respond. (That’s the important part, no response).
    Last edited by NiteOwl; 07-16-2012, 10:14 AM.
    Bob Beatty
    AMCA 19209

  • #2
    Thanks for the warning Bob.
    I'm continually confused by the number of scams out there. I'm a honor by handshake kinda dinosaur & this stuff always reminds me to not trust anyone.

